On the "Enlightened" ideaology that sex before marriage is not only ok, but endorsed to make marriages last longer.
Tear this up? Rip to shreds? Sure, no problem. READ SLOWLY and understand what is being said and what is not being said.
The pleasure ideology that of most people have today - I want it, so I am going to have it. You like a girl? Great! Screw her after a date or two, then go on the next chick in line. (The same goes for women as for men...) You are only young for so long, then sex just gets boring. Take it and everything in the heat of the moment .. I can name more examples, but you get the idea.
Why are so many marriages failing today?
It is the popular idea for this nation (and perhaps many others) to live with a person you like before you marry them so you can see if you are compatible with them. This includes sex, of course. Then, if all seems good, get married (usually this is done in a church - the marriage) Then oh - few months or years down the road - BAM! Everything is falling apart, divorce.
Hmm. This is too easy for words. When a couple chooses to break every law God gave us governing relationships, and then they go to Him to bless their union, what do you think God is going to do? Why do you think He made those rules in the first place? He is the Supreme Being of the Universe, He does know all, so why would He make these rules? Hmmm?
If you can't figure it out, let me put it down for you. Cause HE KNOWS BETTER. Better than any pschologist or pschoanalyst or sex therapist. He knows what works, and what doesn't. He wants marriages to last, and He wants people to be happy.
Some say that if you don't know if the sex is good, don't get married. I have an alternative for that. Good sex does not make love occur over time, but LOVE makes good sex, given time.
Now, I know not all couples stay together who abstain. I'm not discussing that. I'm talking about the rest of the people.
I am not saying sex and/or marriage is bad. God made them both, and sanctified them both - but He made rules for them for specific reasons, which we now find obsolete in our "enlightened" society.
Still feeling enlightened?
I don't mean to lamblast you, or to make you angry. I just like to point out the obvious. Of course, if you don't believe in God, this doesn't really affect you, I'll catch you folks in another rant... :)