Come for tea in Lethbridge with our Devons
PrairieDawn's Lisimba of Medabu, 2007 Devon Rex Kitten of the Year in TICA
Prairie Dawn Devon Rex
Navigate Our Site:
Is a Devon Rex the right cat for you?

Are you too shy to shower with a Devon Rex friend?

Would the nickname Chernobyl Kitty offend you?

Do you consider pet hair to be a must-have fashion accessory or even a yummy condiment?

If you answered "yes" to these questions, contact me and we'll refer you to another breed.

Can you add baby locks to your cupboards to keep your Devon out?

Do allergies prevent you from enjoying the company of most cats?

Would you enjoy a pet that leaps onto your shoulder?

Would your houseguests?

Does your bed have room for one more body?

Will you share a bowl of Kraft Dinner with a Devon Rex friend?

If  "yes" is your response to the second set of questions, lets talk Devons!
Adoptions at PrairieDawn Devon Rex
Boys - Daddy Devons
Girls - Mommy Devons
Show Cats
Links - Devon and Cat  Info Pages
News, Litter Announcements & Show Results
Our Family and Other Pets
Photos  - Under Re-construction
Poncho, Household Pet - In Memory
Praise for PrairieDawn Devon Rex
Retired PrairieDawn Cats
Your Devon - Info for New Families
Contact Pam
Chocolate smoke Devon Rex kitten
Take the guided tour of our site
Quadrupal Grand Champion Alter Capilano's Ripley of PrairieDawn
PAM'S BLOG - My Cats Don't Shed