Ruth's Poetry



Cousins --

"Offspring of siblings",

The dictionary says,

But that doesn't quite

Say it all.


In our family,

"Cuzins" were special.

They were like brothers and sisters

Who lived somewhere else.

They were friends

And rivals.

Some were almost


But the best

Were more than friends.

"Cuzins" came before friends.

"Cuzins were family.


"Cuzins" could laugh

And be laughed at,

Get dirty and sweaty and stink

And not care,

Play tricks and plan meanness

Just for fun,

Cause they were "cuzins".

"Cuzins" weren't boys or girls,

They just were ---

Slept on the floor together,

Wrestled and fought,

Sang and hollered and told tales --

That's what "cuzins" did.


"Cuzins" are forever,

But they do grow up --

Turn into men and women,

Get serious,

Get jobs,

Get married

And make more "cuzins".


Copyright Ó 1999 Ruth Leone All Rights Reserved



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