Our Board
Board of Directors: |
Committees: |
President: Shea Szachara |
Library: Pat McNulty |
Pres. Elect:: |
October Tea: & Art Show |
Vice Pres.: Sue Eiche |
June Picnic: Vestal Library |
Secretary: Linda Sisson |
Christmas Party & Installation |
Treas.: Elaine Saunders |
Hospitality: Volunteers each month |
Newsletter: Diane Pratt |
Historian: Sarah Godfrey |
Sunshine: |
To Join SCDA you need only be interested in painting - we accept
members who want to be painters and those that are at other levels of painting skills. You
must become a member of the Society of Decorative Painters, and pay the yearly fee of
$15.00 for our chapter. This entitles members to attend meetings, paint-ins. workshops and
seminars, participate in trips and receive a monthly newsletter.
Please e-mail us if you are interested in
joining, we will send you a brochure and a complimentary newsletter.