Is it worth the cold

Is it worth the
Cold, white grace
That blankets the earth
And brings children together
Amidst snowball fights
And forts and sleds?
Because one knows
What accompanies such
A delight in the form of crystals.
One knows on that first
Day of Season-
"What season"
Inquire the children of summer,
As they gather their surfboards
And dress for the winter.
Many years have written this one-
Many hospitals and men
Have distracted me from the joy
That often accomopanies
The Season of Grief.
So is it worth the
Cold, white grace
That comes as a side
To a meal of anticipated agony,
In all of its taste
And in all of its hell
That bursts buds
And reminds me in
Its anal voice that
A Light exists in Spring?

Adrienne Helms