~To all of the people out there who had a loved one in DC or New York today, my heart gos out to you, as do many others. Stay Strong.~

QUICK RANT: okay, well geocities is evil, and yahoo has alway hated me. .o0 (ever since that one hot night in LA with that cow and the beer............) Sorry, i ummm was thinking of something that happen earlyer.....*looks innocent* ANYWAY, it keeps eating my writting and then not letting my links work, so although its a little annoying please do try to put up with it so you can take a peek through my page. :-) I wont say its worth it but at least its fun, eh?


"Embrace Not The Darkness, For In Time It Will Take Us All" *Book Of Nod*

Links to other sites on the Web

What Is 'Goth'?
The Art Show
The Tavern
Proboly More About Me Then You Ever Wanted To Know.
Bored. Some Ideas....
Neopets.com *It's cutesty but its fun when your bored :-) *

This page last updated on; What the hell day is it? Sept, 11 2001

Since May, 20, 1999

Read My Book Of Souls..
Sign My Book Of Souls...

You aren't sure where you came from. Perhaps your sire did an embrace and run. Or maybe your sire was an outcast himself. Either way, your powers are unique and really don't belong to any clan...or maybe a little from each. Because you of these circumstances, you aren't really sure where you belong. You tend to wander and do a bit of soul searching in your eternal life. Maybe some day...you have a while after all

What Vampire Clan Do You Belong To?

Test Created By

Emotional Wreck. You are extremely emotional. You
feel contentment moreso than happiness and your
emotional lows are to the extreme. You need to
cheer up and start enjoying your life. Where
there is rain there is a rainbow and you need
to see it more than others. Do something that
makes you happy.

How Emotional Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
You're a Non-box.

What box do you get put in?
brought to you by Quizillaont>
You are French-press coffee. You are full of body
and sensuality, and you love to be sipped and
savored at leisure... though you can get cold
rather quickly.

What Kind of Coffee Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


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