Welcome to my new home. I'm still getting moved in, so pardon my mess. I've heard such nice things about Cyberspace I thought I'd move here. I've been to the Internet before on vacation, and I thought it would be a great place to live before I get married and have kids.

Well, make yourself comfortable. I'll put the kettle on, feel free to put on some music.
Jukebox Hero:
Here are some pieces of music and lyrics I'm working on.

Walking to School: Lyrics -
Intro- Body- Coda

My Mistresses Eyes: Lyrics by Shakespeare -
Music - Variation

The Composer's Voice: Lyrics -
Music (very early outline)
Some pics:

The Blue Mosque

Castle in Edinburgh

What I do for a living

Hollywood niece

Christmas in Virginia Beach (I'm the one on the top right in the leather jacket)
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