Welcome to the Fallen Angels Guestbook Entry page.

If you have filled out the guestbook thank you. If not, feel free to sign it. Thank you to all those who have signed.

Cary Shapiro - 12/14/00 17:32:05
My Email:cshapiro@ankeny.k12.ia.us
What is your age?: 46
Have you read this story?: Yes
Where you in Vietnam?: No
Do you know anyone who was in Vietnam?: Yes
Where are you from?: Iowa

An excellent book -- I teach it to my 10th grade English students.

jen morgan - 11/16/00 04:49:29
My Email:morjen@talkcity.com
What is your age?: 17
Have you read this story?: no
Where you in Vietnam?: no
Do you know anyone who was in Vietnam?: no
Where are you from?: Calgary AB

My boyfriend is currently reading this story for school, and this webpage is most helpful...

Damon Johnson - 10/24/00 14:42:38
My Email:burgle_01@yahoo.com
What is your age?: 17
Have you read this story?: yes
Where you in Vietnam?: no
Do you know anyone who was in Vietnam?: yes
Where are you from?: Ohio (united states)


AJ Nichols - 09/20/00 15:06:14
My URL:http://qk1.com/tireburn/index.htm
My Email:weiner_snitzel@hotmail.com
What is your age?: 14
Have you read this story?: Yes
Where you in Vietnam?: No
Do you know anyone who was in Vietnam?: No
Where are you from?: Beuallville NC

This is one of the best bokks i've read in a long time. I was assingened to read a book that had been banned from public libraries in my Honors English I class. Luckliy I picked up this one (mainly beacuse it was the first one i found). If anyone is lo king for a book that shows the true way war affects everyone give Fallen Angels A try.

steven - 09/15/00 00:53:38
My URL:http://sc529.homestead.com/sc529.html
What is your age?: 14
Have you read this story?: no
Where you in Vietnam?: no
Do you know anyone who was in Vietnam?: yeah
Where are you from?: california


- 06/06/00 00:07:28
My Email:cnels2@home.com
Have you read this story?: yes
Where you in Vietnam?: no
Do you know anyone who was in Vietnam?: yes
Where are you from?: Iowa

My teenage son recommended this book. It is rare that my son recommends a book, so I checked it out of the library and read it. I am glad that I did, but I hope he never has to do what the boys/men in the story had to do.

Warfan - 05/25/00 03:02:31
What is your age?: 14
Have you read this story?: yes
Where you in Vietnam?: no
Do you know anyone who was in Vietnam?: yes
Where are you from?: Hawaii

This book was great. I'm glad that there is a website about so others could get an idea of the book. I also think it's great that Walter Dean Myers himself signed your guestbook. Keep up the great job.

melissa Whiting - 05/25/00 00:06:56
My Email:rhcpunkgirl4life@aol.com
What is your age?: 15
Have you read this story?: yes
Where you in Vietnam?: no
Do you know anyone who was in Vietnam?: yes
Where are you from?: michigan

i love the book the details are intriging and delightful. Everyonr in my 9th grade class is enjoying it as well

LEAH - 04/24/00 15:12:47
What is your age?: 15
Have you read this story?: YES
Where you in Vietnam?: NO
Do you know anyone who was in Vietnam?: YES
Where are you from?: U.S.A


- 04/22/00 23:44:46
My Email:nope
What is your age?: 20
Have you read this story?: yeah
Where you in Vietnam?: nope
Do you know anyone who was in Vietnam?: yeah

your missing all but one of the character reviews and the events of the story weren't layed out very well. The only people who will readily visit your web site are the people who have already read the book... so you might as well go into detail about eve ts and characters. Your site is already put together really well, this will make it much better.

misty claypool - 04/12/00 17:27:28
My URL:http://www.apaches.k12.in.us
My Email:msityclaypool@yahoo.com
What is your age?: 18
Have you read this story?: yes
Where you in Vietnam?: no
Do you know anyone who was in Vietnam?: yes
Where are you from?: wabash, indiana

the bool is very good so far because we just started it monday.

gil - 03/27/00 17:24:12
What is your age?: 14
Have you read this story?: yes
Where you in Vietnam?: no
Do you know anyone who was in Vietnam?: no
Where are you from?: USA

you should put on the summery

- 02/28/00 16:40:37
My Email:pamhart5
Have you read this story?: Yes
Where you in Vietnam?: No
Do you know anyone who was in Vietnam?: Yes
Where are you from?: New Jersey

I loved this book and am currently teaching it to honors tenth grade students.

karla sonnek - 02/15/00 00:06:01
My Email:ksonnek@manorisd.net
Have you read this story?: yes, many times
Where you in Vietnam?: no
Do you know anyone who was in Vietnam?: yes
Where are you from?: texas via minnesota

I'm a teacher in a small texas public school and i have taught this book several times, only to have parents disagree with some of the language - irritating!! I continue to teach the book as I believe it is important to offer this information to the students. I've given the book to several vets to read and they have thanked me for introducing them to an authentic author - even though he wasn't there, he tells t like is was - thanks for having this web site.

Jennifer L - 01/17/00 15:40:13
My Email:shock_ram@juno.com
What is your age?: 23
Have you read this story?: 1/2 of it finished
Where you in Vietnam?: NO
Do you know anyone who was in Vietnam?: My Grandfather
Where are you from?: Brookhaven, Pa

This is a good book so far as I read it and I like your website and think is is very factualy correct. Good Job

Nathan - 12/13/99 03:33:45
What is your age?: 12
Have you read this story?: damn straight
Where you in Vietnam?: don't remember
Do you know anyone who was in Vietnam?: absolutely
Where are you from?: Charlottesville, VA

Good job Dan. I loved this book. I think it's great that Walter Dean Myers signed your guestbook. Crap. I've seemed to have misplaced, my pants. Do'h.

Kevin Halaburda - 09/07/99 01:06:18
My Email:crawford@stratos.net
What is your age?: 23
Have you read this story?: Yes, approximately 20 times
Where you in Vietnam?: no
Do you know anyone who was in Vietnam?: Yes, my father, who died in 1983, at the age of 35, from Agent Orange exposure
Where are you from?: Cleveland, Ohio

Nice page. Glad to see that someone finally put a page up in honor of this wonderful novel. I first read this book after ordering it in eighth grade from a "Weekly Reader" type of program just because it warned that it had suggestive language. However, th s book led to my interest in the Vietnam conflict, and is one of my favorite novels. Ever. I'm a college graduate with a major in English, and although this book was targeted toward a younger audience, I still regard it as one of the best Vietnam novels, im O'Brien's work included.

Steve Hawes - 05/24/99 21:36:02
My Email:sehawes@galesburg.net
What is your age?: 53
Have you read this story?: Absolutely
Where you in Vietnam?: No,but lived through the timeframe
Do you know anyone who was in Vietnam?: Yes, several friends served a tour of duty
Where are you from?: Galesburg, Illinois

WOW! Very impressive piece of work here. I think that it is so stunning that you were able to show your appreciation for this novel and indeed our whole study of the Vietnam era by creating your own web site. Dan, your enthusiasm is what keeps us "old" hi tory teachers plugging away in the classroom. Thanks, for including us in your site.

Walter Dean Myers - 05/23/99 17:02:53
My Email:myers125@ix.netcom.com

Excellent work! I'm proud to be associated with such a well thought out and impressive effort. Thank you for your interest in the book and in the Vietnam War. Walter Dean Myers

Diane B. - 05/19/99 01:14:37
My Email:dbonner@hotmail.com
What is your age?: old
Have you read this story?: no
Where you in Vietnam?: no
Do you know anyone who was in Vietnam?: no
Where are you from?: Galesburg


Mrs. Aten - 05/18/99 11:52:09

Awesome!! This is certainly a first for creative novel projects!! Great job, Dan!!

Sammi - 05/18/99 05:35:54
My URL:http://welcome.to/sammiland
My Email:qt_pieee@yahoo.com
What is your age?: 17
Have you read this story?: nope
Where you in Vietnam?: nope
Do you know anyone who was in Vietnam?: umm... nope
Where are you from?: US of A (Dan knows ~__~)

Hey there, Reedy boy. I had this address in my bookmarks, and I forgot why, then I remembered, adn realized I've never signed the guestbook!!! *gasps* Well, ICQ me when you see me next, and tell me whether or not you got a good grade on this. Speaking o grades, I should've done my homework tonite...

Shawna - 05/11/99 21:55:38
My Email:sdreed@midwest.net
What is your age?: 22
Have you read this story?: No
Where you in Vietnam?: Not in this life
Do you know anyone who was in Vietnam?: Yes
Where are you from?: Carbondale, Illinois

My brother is very talented...rock on dan. By the way, nice job with the page.

Adia Moore - 05/09/99 22:15:35
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/SouthBeach/Channel/7178
My Email:adia@freewwweb.com
What is your age?: 17
Have you read this story?: not yet
Where you in Vietnam?: nope
Do you know anyone who was in Vietnam?: nope
Where are you from?: Maryland

Dan nice page. I am going to have to read this book, normally I don't really like war novels but you seem to really have enjoyed this one, so I will have to give it a look. AMERICAN STUDIES IS AWESOME! (just had to say that) Hawes and Aten are a killer combo of teachers. hehe

Dan Reedy - 05/09/99 02:04:42
My URL:http://get.to/fallen_angels
My Email:fallen_angels_214@yahoo.com
What is your age?: 17
Have you read this story?: yes
Where you in Vietnam?: no
Do you know anyone who was in Vietnam?: yes, two uncles.
Where are you from?: Galesburg, Illinois

Please feel free to leave your comments by signing the guestbook. I hope you all enjoy the page.

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