The Neal Cassady Experience

Books on and by Neal Cassady

The Holy Goof - William Plummer

Not the most informative book, but a hell of a fun read. Great photographs inside. I found it difficult to find and had to order it. If you stumble upon it, give it a look see.

Off The Road - Carolyn Cassady

A GREAT read. Go forth and purchase. This wonderfuol novel was written by Neal Cassady's wife during the "On The Road" years. Not LuAnne his teenage wife from Denver. Carolyn was his wife he bore his first children with.  Jami, Joanne, and John Allen. Great insight into the Kerouac-Cassady relationship. A MUST-HAVE for Cassady buffs.

The First Third - Neal Cassady

Neal's unfinished autobiography. A fun and informative read. Again, not the easiet book to get ahold of (at least it wasn't for me) but if you!

Grace Beats Karma, letters by Neal Cassady

This is a collection of letters Neal wrote while in prison. If you are a fan of his letters and want more insight into the man and his thought process, you must go forth and find this book. As of this writing, the publisher was out of stock. If you can find it...grab it.

The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test - Tom Wolfe

Tom Wolfe's journey with the Merry Pranksters. In his later years, Neal drove "Further", Ken Kessey's bus. A sometimes difficult read, but fun none the less.

Jack Kerouacs Writings

Kerouac used Neal as a character in many of his books. Neal was the main Character in "On The Road" and "Visions of Cody". Here is a list.

A much more complete list (although without commentary) can be found HERE

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