Hi I'm The Princess!

Welcome to my First Homepage.

Let me tell you a little about myself. I'm a student at the University of California. Even though I'm a Business major right now, don't be surprised if in the near future you see some excerpts from various novels and some of my poetry that I have written over the past few years.

I have currently met the most wonderful man in the world. If you're a "Chat" regular, you know who he is. :) Anyway, I've threatened him that I'd post one of his baby pictures that he gave me in the the chat room or on my homepage, but he found that idea flattering so it basically defeated the purpose of my teasing. But you never know . . . I might decide to scan a picture of me, him, or one of us together . . . Hmmm, not a bad idea! :)

Okay, if you've stumbled across this homepage out of nowhere and have no idea what "Chatting" is, I'll tell ya! In late January 2000, I joined this community of chatters that I simply stumbled upon through a Search! Since January to the present time, I have been a regular in the chatrooms, where I meet with my boyfriend and where I continue to make great friends. Maybe if you join "Our Chatting", I'll see ya there! Don't forget to say hi! :o)

My interests are:
Writing Poetry, Sailing, Horseback Riding, Watching Pro Football, Listening to Music, Dancing, Fitness. Going to the Beach, and Hanging out with my friends.

My favorite music is:
Hard Rock, Soft Rock, R&B, Heavy Metal, Some Rap, Pop and Classical. Some of my favorite bands that I enjoy listening to include 'NSync, Queen, AeroSmith,Chicago, Santana, Metallica, Guns & Roses, TLC, Motley Crue, Backstreet Boys, The Beatles, The Doors, Jewel, and Elton John, Ricky Martin, just to name a few.

The description of my page is:
My writings and some of my poetry that I would like to share with you. :o)

~ Why I Love You! ~

I Love You!
You're loveable and sweet;
You thrill me every minute,
And sweep me off my feet.

You're charming and disarming,
Desireable and true.
You inspire and impress me,
And that's why I love you!

~ Friends and Lovers ~

Friends and lovers,
always one or the other.
Where are you,
my mate, to share my soul?
Did I pass you in the hall,
do you live next door?
Are you searching for me,
as I seek to find you?
Or, are you with someone else,
forever beyond my reach?
You are out there,
this I know.
I hope when we meet,
we know...
Friends and lovers,
can be one and the other.

Links to other sites on the Web

Good Dictionary
Ask Jeeves Search
The English Server
An Internet Public Library
Inkspot: Resources for Writers
Donate Food for FREE to Help Feed the Hungry

. . . . . Please come back soon and visit me . . . . .

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