
Pierre Joris, Poet

Joris lives at 6 Madison Place, Albany, NY 12202; his telephone number is (518) 426-0433, his e.mail address, joris@cnsunix.albany.edu. He was born 14 July 1946 in Strasborg. He has a B.A. from Bard, a Masters from Essex and a Ph.D from Binghampton and now pursues the three related vocations of poetry, translating and teaching. Married to Nicole Peyrafitte, he has two children. His religion is poetry, his political leanings to the left. He considers at least 150 other contemporary poets important, principally the ones published in the anthologies he's co- edited. Ditto "the poets of yesteryear." He is not so positive about contemporary critics: "The critic barks, the caravan passes"--although he acknowledges that "some poet-critics & a very, very few critic/critics are worth reading." To get an idea of his own critical stance, once ought to visit http://www.albany.edu/~joris/nomad.html. Among his favorite American poetry periodicals are Sulfur, Hambone and Private Arts.

Among the other arts he likes besides poetry are painting, music, performance, baseball and some film. Concerning science and philosophy, he says, "I started as a math student, then med student so science is essential information for me. Studied in Paris in the sixties, sat in on Foucault lectures, early Derrida, etc. Importance of that work has diminished for me over the years, though it still informs my thinking."

His next book Poasis is due out in 1998 from Sun & Moon Press. His previous collections of poetry have been: Winnetou Old, Meow Press, Buffalo, NY 1994; Turbulence, St. Lazaire Press, Rhinebeck, NY, 1991; The Irritation Ditch, Parentheses Writing Series, La Jolla, CA, 1991; Janus, St. Lazaire Press, Rhinebeck, NY, 1988; Breccia (Selected Poems 1972-1986), Editions Phi, Echternach, Luxembourg and Station Hill Press, Barrytown, N.Y. 1987; Good-Bye to England, Loot, Peterborough, 1987; 5 Translations from Arthur Rimbaud's Une Saison en Enfer, (graphics), writers forum, London 1984; Net/Work, Spanner Editions, London 1983; The Book of Luap Nalec, Ta'wil Press, London 1982; Tracing, Arc Press, Todmorden, 1982; The Broken Glass, Pig Press, Durham, 1980; Old Dog High Q, Writers Forum, London, 1979; Body Count, Twisted Wrist, Paris 1979; The Tassili Connection, Aloes Books, London 1978; Tanith Flies, Ta'wil Press, London 1978; Hearth-Work, Hatch Books, Yorkshire 1977 (published together with Allen Fisher's Fire Place as Fire Work); Oasis 18 (special issue of Oasis magazine, including a selection of poems & an interview, plus essays by Eric Mottram, Clayton Eshleman & Robert Kelly) London 1978; Antlers I-XI, New London Pride Editions, London 1975; A Single-Minded Bestiary, Poet & Paesant Press, London 1974; The Fifth Season, Strange Faeces Press, London, 1971; and, in translation, La Derniere Traversee de la Manche, tr. by Jean-Paul Junck & Jean Portante, G-R-A-P-H-I-T-I Editeur, Luxembourg & Québec, 1995; and Le Livre de Luap Nalec, tr. by Michel Maire, Le Castor Astral, Paris 1986. His books of prose include Global Interference, Liberation Press, London 1981; The Book of Demons (with Victoria Hyatt), Lorrimer Editions, London 1974, Simon & Schuster, N.Y. 1975; Another Journey, TNT Press, London 1972; Trance/ Mutations, TNT Press, London 1972; and, in translation, Il Libro Dei Demoni (with Victoria Hyatt), translated by Massimo Oldoni Liguori, Napoli 1986. Joris has also edited with Jerome Rothenberg the forthcoming Poems for the Millennium: The University of California Book of Modern & Postmodern Poetry (Volume 2: From Postwar to Millennium) (with Jerome Rothenberg), University of California Press, February 1998, and the first volume of the same series, From Fin-de-Siècle to Negritude, 1995; as well as Poesie Internationale: Anthologie (with Jean Portante), Editions Guy Binsfeld, Luxembourg 1987; and Matieres D'Angleterre (Anthologie de la Nouvelle Poésie Anglaise) (with Paul Buck), In'Hui Editions, Amiens, 1984.

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