Joel Chace, Poet

(pronunciation of respondent's name) Chase (street address) 300 E. Seminary St. (city&state) Mercersburg, PA 17236 (e.mail address) (phone number) 717-328-3824

(affiliations/organizations) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Poetry Editor--Antietam Review and 5_Trope electronic magazine. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (publication credits) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- My poems have appeared or are forthcoming in print journals and magazines such as the following: The Seneca Review, The Connecticut Poetry Review, Spinning Jenny, Poetry Motel, No Exit, Pembroke Magazine, Crazy Horse, Kudos (England), and Porto-Franco (Romania). I have also published work in Electronic Magazines such as the following: Ninth St. Labs, Recursive Angel, Highbeams, Switched-on-Gutenberg, Kudzu, Pif, The Morpo Review, Snakeskin, Slumgullion, PotePoetZine, and The Experioddicist. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (list of works) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Northwoods Press, in 1984, published my collection of poems entitled The Harp Beyond the Wall. Persephone Press, in 1992, published my second book, Red Ghost, which won the first Persephone Press Book Award and was nominated for a Pushcart Prize in that same year. Big Easy Press, in 1995, brought out a collection entitled Court of Ass-Sizes. In June, 1997, came a full-length collection, Twentieth Century Deaths, from Singular Speech Press. The Melancholy of Yorick (Birch Brook Press) and maggnummappuss (nominated for a 1998 Pushcart Prize) appeared in 1998, and a bi-lingual edition of my poems is being prepared in Romania.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (where written up) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slumgullion, Pif, Mind Fire, A Writer's Choice, Next, No Exit, Grab-a-Nickel, Small Press Review.
(contemporary poets important to respondent) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jake Berry, W.D. Snodgrass, Adrienne Rich, Jack Foley, Robert Creeley.
(poets of yesteryear important to respondent) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jack Spicer, Thomas McGrath, Muriel Rukeyser, Wallace Stevens, Walt Whitman.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (critics important to respondent)
Jack Foley, Muriel Rukeyser, Marjorie Perloff.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- For two samples of Chace's poetry, click here. He'd appreciate any feedback on it that you'd care to e.mail him.



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