A Poetry Data Collection Center

Featuring the Comprepoetica On-Line Dictionary of Poets and Poetry Critics

A Word to the Fore from the Comprepoetica Sitemaster

My intention in creating this site, which officially opened on Columbus Day 1997, is ecumenical. I want it to represent everyone writing and/or commenting on poetry. I want it to be a center where not only information on unrecognized poets (like ME) can be found, but information on the many entire schools of poetry that few not members of them are aware of. Toward that end, I have set up a biographical dictionary that anyone calling himself either a poet or a poetry critic, or both, can get his bio into simply by filling out a form (see the table of contents below) or e.mailing his bio to me at bobgrumman@nut-n-but.net. I encourage you to include a page or two of your own poetry, and something by some poet you admire, for I want actual poems (from all schools, however few may seem so far to be represented here) to be a major presence at Comprepoetica. Because I consider discussions of poetry almost as important as poetry itself for generating interest in poetry, I have also provided sections to which anyone whose submission is not totally incomprehensible or unrelated to poetry can contribute poets' statements, criticism, definitions of terminology and the like. Please do not be put off by the fact that most of the texts so far collected here are by me or friends of mine about poets and kinds of poetry you may not be interested in. I very much want essays by others on other topics. I hope that the material having to do with my own special interests eventually become a small subsection of my site as a whole. For that to happen, however, many more people need to submit stuff to me! Go to it! . . . or at least browse through what's here. I can't believe any one genuinely interested in poetry won't find something here he'll enjoy.

Bob Grumman

Note: as of January 2002, the sitemaster has more or less been on vacation from this site; it doesn't look like he'll be back for at least a year (to any extent); for this he apologizes. He also apologizes, as of 7 February 2002, for the loss of messages posted to him via one or another of the various feedback boxes or whatever they're called during the past who knows how many months: it appears that they were not forwarded to his home address as he thought they would be but to his Yahoo mail account. He never checked this, so it was eventually de-activated. It is active again, though, and the sitemaster will do his best to keep it active.

Announcement from years later (10 February 2004): the sitemaster is still more or less on vacation, but has added a new feature, a blog. You can get to its homepage by clicking HERE

Table of Contents

Click HERE for........................ The Comprepoetica On-Line Biographical Dictionary of Poets and Poetry Critics

Click HERE for................................................................................... An Index of the Poems at Comprepoetica

Click HERE for...........................................................................Survey Form for Poets, Critics, Editors, Readers

Click HERE for................................................................................................ Results of Comprepoetica Survey

Click HERE for................................................................................................................ Log of Comprepoetica

Click HERE for........................................................................ Possible Entries for the Comprepoetica Dictionary

Click HERE for................................................................................. Notes Toward a Full Taxonomy of Literature

Click HERE for........................................................................... A Full Taxonomy of Visio-Texual Art, Illustrated

Click HERE for..................................................................... A Highly Rantic Defense of Literary Taxonomization

Click HERE for........................................................................................................ Discussion of Poetry Schools

Click HERE for...................................................................................... Poetry-Related Essays by Bob Grumman

Click HERE for................................................................... Essays by Various Writers Other Than Bob Grumman

Click HERE for.................................................................................... Statements about Poetry by Various Poets

Click HERE for........................................................ Some of Bob Grumman's Columns from Small Press Review

Click HERE for................................................................. Extraneous Thoughts about Poetica and Related Topics

Click HERE for................................................................................................................ Mathemaku Explanation

The Contents of Comprepoetica are copyright (c) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006 by Comprepoetica for the Individual Authors.

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