Comprepoetica Survey Form for Poets, Poetry Critics, Poetry Readers and Poetry Publishers

Please print and distribute the following questions to anyone interested in contributing to a project whose aim is determining the current state of poetry in America but who lacks access to the Comprepoetica website.

Indicate any parts of your reply you want to remain confidential (kept on record but not published at the Comprepoetica Website), if any.



Phone Number

E.Mail Address

Date of Birth

Place of Birth

Parents' Names

Spouse, if any

Children, if any

Educational Background

How do you make your living?


Political Affiliation

What poets have influenced you?

Name ten of your favorite living poets.

Name ten of your favorite all-time poets.

What critics have influenced you?

Name ten of your favorite living critics.

Name ten of your favorite all-time poetry critics.

Which of the following terms characterizes you (more than one may be named)? Poet, Poetry Critic, Poetry Aesthcipient (i.e., reader/viewer/listener/etc. of poetry), Editor/Publisher.


Describe your tastes as an aesthcipient of poetry, in particular, what poetic techniques you enjoy or don't like, if any; what subject matter you like or dislike, if any; whether techniques or subject matter are important to you; and so forth.

If you're a poet, describe your poetry--what you try for in it, what techniques you use, what subject matter, etc.

If you're a poetry critic, describe your criticism--what you try for in it, etc.

What is your general impression of Contemporary Poetry--how would you define it? What do you think of it?

Name as many current magazines or zines, anthologies, videos, radio and television programs, websites, and so on, that are significantly enough concerned in some way with poetry to rate entries in the dictionary on poetry and related matters that I hope to publish.

Publication credits, including the Internet, if any

List of Works, if any

Sample of your poetry, if any, with (or without) commentary

Sample of someone else's poetry that you like, with (or without) commentary

Where, if anywhere, have you and/or your art or criticism, if any, been written up?

What do you like to read besides poetry? Name and comment on a few of your favorite books, movies, plays, musical compositions, paintings, sculptures and other artworks.

Say something about your background in philosophy and science.

What sports do you enjoy watching? What sports do you participate in?

Any comments on your life-in-general?

What questions not in this survey ought to be?

Mail responses to The Runaway Spoon Press, Box 495597, Port Charlotte FL 33949-3621.

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