Fountain Duality

Same topic, same line

rises slowly in cosine


I sit engrossed with you: beg

your pardon for

that one minute area of my brain

keeps ceceding, running

through fields, bright patches

of color--fire.

I run to the river.

[but wait i am still here with you]

The water separates, becomes

cold molecules of liquid

that widen as the cerebral space

between us takes vast breaths.

[wait are you coming?]

I look behind--vacant horizon

I anticipate it laden with

potential shadows

of your following.

I turn again and see the source of my--all

division; the frozen

fountainhead encrusted with burnt earth.

The dense frost is like that which

blocks all emotion; it is

that which keeps me from you.

Spread amongst ground I find

silver: from the earth

and tarnish:

of processes doing.

It is process which compels separation,

original states are always complete unity.

Tenacious pressure arouses itself:

earth flexing,

erupting fluids

from the the fountain

take me at will,

take me to

primordial beginnings

which are dark yet benevolent


all places, one inhalation.

[i waited but you were always here]