Callboard Photo and Bio
Len Clark (Sagot).
Len has put more research into the role of Sagot, the pushy and obnoxious
art dealer than any other that he has ever portrayed. He devoured every
piece of information about Picasso, Matisse, and art in general that
he could get his hands on. The "pushy and obnoxious" came
Picasso at the Lapin Agile marks Len's second show since
returning from a seven year hiatus. Some highlights of that hiatus include
a nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts fo end the decades
long conflict between "old school" and "new school",
appearing in Star Wars: Episode I as "third Jawa
from the left during the second lap of the Podrace", and an unrecognized
two-week reign as WWF Champion.
For his next project, Len will be writing and performing in Sense
and Sensibility: The Rock Opera.
Scheme Productions, 1998 - 2004
Last Updated:
July 30, 2003 11:37 AM
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