~ last updated: 02.15.2004
This page contains the latest news and updates that have been made to this homepage.
News |
02.14.04 ~ Updated the site. I have been working on many different background tile images. I may add more free samples in the near future.
01.30.04 ~ Here is the all new website. With a new look, an all new feel, and a more cozy atmosphere, I hope you like it. Gone are the intimidating graphics and errors. Gone are the fine print and lack of good content. I have been working very hard trying to get this place into a better shape than it was... Having simplified everything to the most minimal of essentials, I hope you like it.
02.15.04 ~ Finally completed the LINKS page. Look there for my BEST OF THE WEB selections...
02.14.04 ~ Changed the background images of the site. The new look should be much more pleasing to the eye and - I believe - looks much more professional.
~ Added headers to each page to clarify better what section you are in.
~ New content has been added to the FAQ.
~ Added many new links to the RESOURCES page.
~ Added an ALL NEW SECTION - LINKS. Content will be forthcoming...
01.30.04 ~ Uploaded the new website overhaul. For several weeks, have been assembling parts and creating new ones as needed. This is a new look using the latest in CSS. Tested and retested using as many browsers as possible.
All content on this website is Copyright © 1997-2004 MoatsArt™ Enterprises. Any use of graphics or content without written consent will result in prosecution. Limited use is granted only to selected images that may be found within the "FREE SAMPLES" section. See that page for further details.