Corporate Musak Must Pay!
Tired of seeing those damn Greenday, Offspring, and Sublime albums everywhere you go, well here's something that, if we all do it together, will send those fuckheads a message. go into your local corporate musak store and go into one of the less populated aisles, find a corporate CD, preferably what people call "punk" now a days, and push in hard right near the end of the jewel case, it will crack(duH!) You have just forced them to either put it on the used rack or send it back for their money, hmm? If enough people do this to enough shite for musak we will tell them are message loud and clear "THROW YOUR FUCKING MUSAK INTO THE TOILET MOTHERFUCKERS!"
NOTE: This was taken from something and I can't remember what it was, so if you happened to have wrote this please tell me and I will give you full credit as such.
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