The StorY of...
HansEl and greTel
Hansel and Gretel were two punks who were forced to live with there parents:
Da'man and Da'Pigz. Every time they did something that there parents dIdN'T
approve of Hansel was sent to his room by Da'pigz and Gretel was taken to the Rompus room by Da'man. The only one in the whole family they could even stand was unlce
Libertarian. One day after a severe raping
by their parents uncle Libertarian decided
to take them away to his house.
Hansel and Gretel were happy at uncle
Libertarians house they had a lot more
freedom and could frolic with the other
punkers. There was still something missing,
however, and they told Uncle Libertarian
they must go find it. He wished them well. So
Hansel and Gretel grabbed there safety pins
and hair dye and toOk off.
After several hours travel it became
fairly dark. Hansel spotted a house they
could squat at for the night and they went to
check it out. It appeared totally abandoned
and so they went in to settle themselves for the
night. That night they heard a lot of meniacal
laughing. Hansel went to check it out. After a
half an hour Gretel was getting very worried
so she went to investigate it herself. She heard the
sound louder and louder as she went down the
stairs and discovered a door which seemed to
lead to the basement.
She quietly opened the door and saw why
Hansel hadn't come back. He had been
strapped down and was being severely
fucked by their Uncle Scam as Da'man and
Da'Pigz were getting off. She had heard
stories about Uncle Scam fucking people,
and after robbing them blind, he ate them.
Gretel could see the stove that he planned to
cook Hansel in. She wasn't about to let her
brother die so she devised a plan. The raping
went on for quite sometime, Which Gretel
couldn't stand but knew, must take place in
order for her plan to work.
As Uncle Scam dismounted Hansel and
Da'man and Da'pigz were cleaning up their
Messes Gretel was sneaking down the stairs.
There was aloud crack in the stairs and
Uncle Scam instantly turned around.
Luckily Gretel was able to hide in the shadows
and Uncle Scam chalked it up to old age.
He'd been fucking people since Great
Grand father Da'System gave him the legal
authority to do so.
All 3 adults crowded around the stove
now and prepared it for cooking Hansel.
They peered at the rack where Hansel was to
be placed after being chopped up and
seasoned and their mouths watered. Suddenly
the heat overwhelmed them. They were being
surrounded by flames. They were in the
stove. They couldn't breathe and as they
wiggled and wormed trying to get free there
flesh began to burn away. Da'man's last sight
was that of Hansel and Gretel holding the
door to the oven shut watching their parents
cook to a Golden brown.
Hansel and Gretel found complete
happiness after they had finished off the rest of
the family: Auntie Corporate, and Auntie
Prison. They did, however, let Uncle
Libertarian live with them in their newly
squatted house.