Sitting alone in the park,
I saw an old dog sitting there too,
in the shade of a willow tree a few feet away.
His coat was dull and gray, although not dirty,
and you could see his skin in places
where time had rubbed up against him.
While I looked, he walked over
and lay down beside me.
We sat there awhile watching
mothers talk while their children played.
We watched young girls on roller blades
and business men with attaches.
I had some peanuts in my pocket
so I cracked a couple open, ate one,
and threw on over to him.
He didn't lunge after it or
even look over at me.
He just slowly bent his head down,
picked it up and chewed it
while he gazed out over the park.
We sat there for a few more minutes,
eating peanuts, when I finally spoke to him,
"You've had a hard life too, haven't ya fella".
He turned his head and looked at me
with the saddest brown eyes
I think I have ever seen and blinked.
After awhile, almost at the same time,
we rose to our feet to leave.
I slowly put my hand down and
gently patted his head.
Again he looked at me and blinked,
but I thought I saw his tail move slightly this time.
He watched me put on my hat
and my thread bare coat, although not dirty,
and then he walked away.
I liked that old dog.