My real name is Steve, I'm from Bermuda, and I'm 24 years old.
I like being with friends, nature, hiking / camping, reading
and writing, music (almost anything with feeling), water sports,
martial arts and meditation.
I also enjoy talking about these things, so anyone who can
find me online somewhere is welcome to raise any topic that
interests them.

Any jokers can skip to jokes near the bottom of the page...

Bredrin is an islander word meaning Brother or Bro... The
opposite of bredrin is sistren....(weird, huh?).
These expressions come from (maybe you guessed) The Bible.
Generally you would hear Rastafarians using these words here on
the Island; many Bermudian expressions are just as different
to foreigners as your expressions are to us. Bredrin is fairly
common, it is used to greet a friend or affirm a statement.
One thing I was thinking of doing was a glossary of words and
expressions common to the Island.

Among the books I regard as influential and profound
are "The Celestine Prophecy,"(which deals with the first
nine insights) and "The Tenth Insight"(the sequel). Written
by James Redfield, these two books define our connection to
spirituality and religion.
Anyone interested in understanding hallucinogens (and their
recent history in the U.S.A.) would do well to read "High Priest"
by Timothy Leary.
Another author I would recommend is Deepak Chopra, MD.
Dr. Chopra emigrated from India to the U.S. as a medical student,
and has since begun writing about holistic (mind/body) healing.
One book in particular to check out is "Unconditional Life."
One of the most valuable things I have learned from him is
the power of TM (Transcendental Meditation). *See the book
of the same name by Maharishi.


I think a lot of people are very cynical about religion
and whether God 'exists' because they are not taught to
see God in daily events and objects. We live in a very
suspicious world, after all. It's taught in schools and at
home. When we look at a tree, we don't see a piece of god,
we see wood and chlorophyll; we are taught to see only what
our eyes show us. We are living in a reality created
entirely by our perception, yet we feel trapped and helpless.
Many people are cast into fear when they need fear nothing.
This process is known as conditioning, and is passed down
from one generation to the next without much thought.
Fear is a simple, chemical reaction within your body, and
doesn't necessarily mean there's something to be afraid of.

But then, if you became aware of a way to communicate with
your spirituality, wouldn't you at least be tempted to find out more?
I certainly was, though I don't consider myself a "church"
person. I don't go to church, and I don't pray in the
typical manner. What I have found has been more rewarding
than any monetary award you could imagine.
If you ever have any doubt as to whether God hears you when
you pray, think of it like this: "God" is commonly thought of
as one human-like entity "up there, in the sky." That is not
a likely interpretation, although it makes sense that people
would think of God as an individual, because 'he' is portrayed
nailed to a cross in the form of a human son. God's title,
"the Father," probably had a lot to do with it as well.
God is better thought of as all-pervasive, and within you.
You really don't even have to call it 'God," think of it more as
a spirituality, a relationship with your surroundings and with
your mind and body. So when you pray, you know that the part
of God inside you can hear.
Now, I know that certain people are, as we speak, condemning me
for my views.. well, guess what? That's just fine. I don't
judge them for that, and their condemnation brings me no discomfort.
I will be no worse off tomorrow unless I choose to be.
I wish you as much happiness and fulfillment in your search as I have found.

Peace and Love.


Email me

My ICQ number is 35092852.

I have a bulletin board called WoodTiger's Free Board...
Feel 'free' to stop by.

When I'm online, you can usually find me in The Chathouse
under the names "Sweetleaf", "DaftPunk" or "Nyabingi"

I meet a lot of cool people in in The Chathouse.
Among them are: Kat (
Topaz), a very cool lady from Dorset, England, and
Diane (Heidcase) from Edinburgh, Scotland.
For those of you who like Scottish comedy, (or any comedy,
really) here is a great page devoted to the humour of Billy Connolly
VisitJimmy McNulty's Bonnie Scotland
This is a very funny page. I got it from Diane.

To see some High Times humour, click here: Pot Punchlines

To visit some of the most popular beaches in sunny Bermuda
Click here

Look Here! Feel free to donate jokes, pieces of wisdom or comments in
general: You will be given credit in the
"People's Voice"
I have just put a new movie quiz on this page, so check it out.

Pics (informal stash of random photos..)
Including: A recent picture of an incredible Bermuda sunset.
Also, you can expect some really pretty women to be posted on
here soon. Milla Jovovitch is one of them.

Come back soon and visit ~It'll be better~

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