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[Writers' Corner]


Finally!! My humblest apologies to all of you who have sent me submissions during the last two months. I'm doing my best to get them all posted, and you should all see your work here by the end of next week. Mea culpa!

gaily 2/20/99

Welcome to Writer's Corner...

I know, it's one of zillions out there, but I'm hoping the lack of originality in the format will not be reflective of the content. The intent is to make this nothing more than a parking spot for those who love to write, and an interesting place to visit for those who like to read what others write. I hope to be taking advantage of this concept on both fronts, so please feel free to send me anything you'd like to have on this page at gaily@poetic.com It's *not* a workshop, so whatever you send will not be subject to any critiquing, unless you specifically ask me to put it up here with that request.

You can feel free to send anything. That doesn't mean I'll put *everything* that I receive on the page, but I'll try. I think there's a certain sweetness in even the most innocent and elementary pieces, and I've yet to find anything that's so bizarre, so disturbing, that it doesn't contain some value as an expression of personal taste, or some merit as a glimpse into the mind and heart. I know there are certain standards and restrictions that are imposed by the web server, but it's my belief that creativity should never be stifled by a fear of testing limits.

[Short Stories]
[Special Dads]A page dedicated to my dad, the most important person to have touched my life, and a spot for others to share their thoughts on their very special dads... and where some very special dads speak to their sons.
[Very Strange Music]

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