basics of islam and sufism

the above is one full rakaat. after 2 rakaats remain seated and recite the following set of prayers. atahiyaatu lillahi was salawaatu wat tayyibatu asalaama alayka ya ayyuhan nabiyu wa rahmatula wa barakatuh asalaama alayna ibadillahi saliheen.[]

after four rakaat repeat the prayers above and say asalaama alaina minrabina to the angel on your right shoulder and the angel on your left shoulder. fin. fajr 2 aloud - first light
(zur - highnoon - [4 in silence] -- asr - midway btwn nightfall and highnoon [4 in silence])
(marhib - sunset[2 aloud, 1 in silence] -- isha - night [2 aloud, 2 in silence]) prayers in parentheses may be combined. is okay if you missed.

auzu billahi minash shaitaan irrajim
bismillah irrahman irrahim
alhamdulillahi rabbiyal amin
arrahman irrahim
maliki yawmidin
iyyaka naubudu wa iyyaka nastaeen
ihdinasirata almustaqeem
sirataal ladhina anamta alayhim
rhayil marhdubi alayhim wa la daalin

i take refuge in God from a satan accursed with stones.
in the name of God most compassionate most merciful
praise be to the Lord of all the worlds
most merciful most compassionate
rulle of the day of judgement
to you we turn for comfort and for prayer
keep us on the straight path the path of those on whom is thy mercy
rather than the path of those on whom is thy wrath.

above all dont worry. allah is compassionate. do not be afraid to make mistakes. perfection comes in time. print out if needed and hold papers while you pray. you will appreciate more over time. mistakes allowed.

suggested prayers after morning salaat, and those who have a koran ashhadu an la ilaha ilallah, ashadu anna muhammadur rasulullah with the blessings of mecca recite fatiha into hands and wipe face recite ayat alkursi recite 94-ashsharh 7x (r)ecite 112-qul huwallahu ahad 5 times aloud, 4 times silent, then repeat with the following 2 prayers into hands, and wipe face 113-falaq 114-nas dhikr la ilaha ilallah x100 allah x300 allahumma sallialaa muhammadin wa alaaali muhammadin wa sallim x100 1 juz or 30th of koran

recommended translations of koran - muhammad asad (for arabic and clarity) and arberry for sheer beauty


there is some kiss we want with
our while lives, the touch of
spirit on the body. seawater
begs the pearl to break its shell.
and the lily, how passionately
it needs some wild darling! at
night, I open the window and ask
the moon to come and press its
face against mine. breath into
. close the language-door and
open the love-window. the moon
won't use the door, only the window.
