10-18-99Bales Law


To write is to make oneself the echo what one cannot cease speaking – and since it cannot, in order to become its echo I have, in a way, to silence it. I bring to this incessant speech the decisiveness, the authority of my own silence. -
Maurice Blanchot


I let the SRO 105 pass me by, reading. I had eaten an essay and each of the poems, saw stars in recognition – everything was applied, applied…. Save it make it real. Though this scribbling may be a desperate, failing attempt to lose the silence – I do not believe it. I build a board often as not – have found the poem I had written in prose – have segued into it to my own surprise. Because the silence is never silence: silence is not allowed to this mind that rushes through thought after thought chaotically. The waiting is the flux, the pre-life place where the poem is born…the waiting is a jumble, an overgrown field of words, waiting their trip down the tube. None of it is useless; it is all good.

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the money, or some of it, in a spreadsheet...with my feelings about what went on

Bales Law