Celebrations & Sabbats

A coven meeting that takes place on the night of the full moon

Feb 2 - The time of blessing & charging the seeds prior to spring planting.  Lighting candles as a token of the spark of life being held & regenerated

Ostara - March 21 - The time of the year when the length of the day & night are equal - the festival of rebirth of the earth after the winter's death

April 30 - Festival of passion & fertility - lighting of bonfires to dance around to welcome the life fire withing - dancing the May Pole

June 22 - longest day of the year - the time of power when the sun is strongest, the time for enjoying the first fruits of the season's bounty.  A time for asking for abundance, making fertility magik so the harvest will be a fine one.

July 31 - The beginning of the Harvest Season honoring grain & the other fruits of the harvest - the mystical symbolism of death & the rebirth implied in the harvest

The full moon in September - a festival honouring the harvest, a time of thanksgiving & a reminder to save up all possible resources to last through the winter season

Sept 21 - Time of the year when the length of the day & night are equal - the Harvest Home or Thanksgiving festival

Samhain - Oct 31 - The end of the Harvest Season - the beginning of the Pagan winter season at which the dead are honored & put to rest - in some traditions, the New Year's feast

Yule - Dec 22 - Longest night of the year - the Yule Log reminds us that the fires of life are banked against the coming long sleep of winter & that even though the worst of the cold days are yet to come, the sun is already returning from his journey south & making each day a little longer.  A promise of spring even as winter begins


Candlemas {Imbolc}:

Spring Equinox:


Summer Solstice:


Harvest Moon:

Autum Equinox:


Winter Solstice: