Funky Singer

Funky Singer

Chris Poon.....(Freak)

Sveral years ago, I sat down and made a choice between musical arts or visual arts. Since then, I'd based my education on visual arts. Not that I had given up on music. I would express interest in a secretive manner. ew would know that I had such a passion would be fulfilled by following my path towards the visual arts.

It was the first months of learning at OCAD ( Ontario College of Art and Design.) that I met an individual designer named Philip. I looked up to him. I had to; I'm rather short and he's abnormally tall. Sitting down didn't help, so I would get him to sit down while I stood to talk to him. I didn't have to look up to him anymore. For some reason, he asked me to join his band. I enjoyed it too much to hate it. The problem was that I was the singer and a singer I am not. I was, and still am, just an amateur singer who would only strike a note for his girlfriend or out of boredom. Luckily, the band was not looking for a professional, so I was safe.

Now ..... now I am totally into it! I'm singing more often. I'm learning how to play a guitar. I am writting songs!! Now I am one on the path to becoming a true artist; one that can express himself in every form of creativity. Wonderful, isn't it.....??


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