<header>Diary 59</header>


Well, it's official. If there is a God, he definitely hates me. That's the only way I can explain my life.

Happy April Fool's Day!!! After nineteen-odd years, I'm still not sure why we have this odd holiday, but I'm all for celebrating it.

I feel dead, literally. I got no sleep last night, I haven't eaten since noon yesterday, and my left leg keeps throbbing whenever I rest my weight on it. Krisco must be laughing, somewhere.

She still hasn't read my e-mail. I bet she just wrote her e-mail to rile me up. I hope I get to shave her and superglue duck feathers to her head one day.

I've been bumming around my neighborhood in Geocities, checking out all the pages. Wow, there are a lot of stupid, pointless pages out there, aren't there? And in geocities, there's a lot of space taken up by pages that were never fully set up, you know? They should just empty out those sites. They're not doing anyone a bit of good.

I finally updated my survey (someone actually caught the fact that, for march, I just changed the name, and not any of the questions). I made up new questions. They're pretty cool, but not as happy as the other ones. I have to think up better ones.

Okay. Uncle. I'm half-asleep. Time to give up the struggle.

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