
Appends an array index to the end of the specified array. Returns a Boolean TRUE on successful completion.

See also ArrayPrepend.


ArrayAppend(array, value)

Name of the array to which you want to append an index.


The value you want to place into the specified array in the last index position.


<!--- This example shows ArrayAppend --->
<TITLE>ArrayAppend Example</TITLE>

<H3>ArrayAppend Example</H3>

<CFQUERY NAME="GetEmployeeNames" DATASOURCE="cfsnippets">
SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM Employees
<!--- create an array --->
<CFSET myArray = ArrayNew(1)>
<!--- set element one to show where we are --->
<CFSET myArray[1] = "Test Value">
<!--- loop through the query and append these names
successively to the last element --->
<CFLOOP query="GetEmployeeNames">
    <CFOUTPUT>#ArrayAppend(myArray, "#FirstName# #LastName#")#
      </CFOUTPUT>, Array was appended<BR>
<!--- show the resulting array as a list --->
<CFSET myList=ArrayToList(myArray, ",")>
<!--- output the array as a list --->
    <P>The contents of the array are as follows: