Converts local time to Universal Coordinated Time (UTC ) or UTC to local time based on the specified parameters. This function uses the daylight savings settings in the executing machine to compute daylight savings time, if required.
See also GetTimeZoneInfo, CreateDateTime, and DatePart.
DateConvert(conversion-type, date)
There are two conversion types: "local2Utc" and "utc2Local." The former converts local time to UTC time. The later converts UTC time to local time.
Any ColdFusion date and time string. In order to create a ColdFusion date and time, use CreateDateTime.
When passing a date/time value as a string, make sure it is enclosed in quotes. Otherwise, it is interpreted as a number representation of a date/time object, returning undesired results.
<!--- This example shows the use of DateConvert ---> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>DateConvert Example</TITLE> </HEAD> <basefont face="Arial, Helvetica" size=2> <body bgcolor="#FFFFD5"> <H3>DateConvert Example</H3> <!--- This part of the example shows the conversion of the current date and time to UTC time and back again. ---> <CFSET curDate = Now()> <P><CFOUTPUT>The current date and time: #curDate#. </CFOUTPUT></P> <CFSET utcDate = DateConvert("local2utc", curDate)> <CFOUTPUT> <P>The current date and time converted to UTC time: #utcDate#.</P> </CFOUTPUT> <!--- This code checks to see if the form was submitted. If it was submitted the code generates the CFML date with the CreateDateTime function. ---> <CFIF IsDefined("FORM.submit")> <CFSET yourDate = CreateDateTime(FORM.year, FORM.month,, FORM.hour,FORM.minute, FORM.second)> <P><CFOUTPUT>Your date value, presented as a ColdFusion date-time string:#yourdate#.</CFOUTPUT></P> <CFSET yourUTC = DateConvert("local2utc", yourDate)> <P><CFOUTPUT>Your date and time value, converted into Universal Coordinated Time (UTC): #yourUTC#.</CFOUTPUT></P> <P><CFOUTPUT>Your UTC date and time, converted back to local date and time: #DateConvert("utc2local", yourUTC)#.</CFOUTPUT></P> <CFELSE> Type the date and time, and press Enter to see the conversion. </CFIF> <Hr size="2" color="#0000A0"> <FORM ACTION="dateconvert.cfm" METHOD="POST"> <P>Please enter the year, month and day in integer format for the date value you would like to view: <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" border="0"> <tr> <td>Year</td> <td><INPUT TYPE="Text" NAME="year" VALUE="1998" VALIDATE="integer" REQUIRED="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Month</td> <td><INPUT TYPE="Text" NAME="month" VALUE="6" RANGE="1,12" MESSAGE="Please enter a month (1-12)" VALIDATE="integer" REQUIRED="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Day</td> <td><INPUT TYPE="Text" NAME="day" VALUE="8" RANGE="1,31" MESSAGE="Please enter a day of the month (1-31)" VALIDATE="integer" REQUIRED="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Hour</td> <td><INPUT TYPE="Text" NAME="hour" VALUE="16" RANGE="0,23" MESSAGE="You must enter an hour (0-23)" VALIDATE="integer" REQUIRED="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Minute</td> <td><INPUT TYPE="Text" NAME="minute" VALUE="12" RANGE="0,59" MESSAGE="You must enter a minute value (0-59)" VALIDATE="integer" REQUIRED="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Second</td> <td><INPUT TYPE="Text" NAME="second" VALUE="0" RANGE="0,59" MESSAGE="You must enter a value for seconds (0-59)" VALIDATE="integer" REQUIRED="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr> <td><INPUT TYPE="Submit" NAME="submit" VALUE="Submit"></td> <td><INPUT TYPE="RESET"></td> </tr> </table> </BODY> </HTML>