Returns its argument with double quotes wrapped around it and all double quotes inside it escaped. The DE (Delay Evaluation) function prevents the evaluation of a string as an expression when it is passed as an argument to IIf or Evaluate.
String to be evaluated with delay.
<!--- This shows the use of DE and Evaluate ---> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> DE Example </TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR=silver> <H3>DE Example</H3> <CFIF IsDefined("FORM.myExpression")> <H3>The Expression Result</H3> <CFTRY> <!--- Evaluate the expression ---> <CFSET myExpression = Evaluate(FORM.myExpression)> <!--- Use DE to output the value of the variable, unevaluated ---> <CFOUTPUT> <I>The value of the expression #Evaluate(DE(FORM.MyExpression))# is #MyExpression#.</I> </CFOUTPUT> <!--- specify the type of error for which we are fishing ---> <CFCATCH TYPE="Any"> <!--- the message to display ---> <H3>Sorry, there's been an <B>Error</B>. Try a simple expression, such as "2+2".</H3> <CFOUTPUT> <!--- and the diagnostic message from ColdFusion Server ---> <P>#CFCATCH.message# </CFOUTPUT> </CFCATCH> </CFTRY> </CFIF> ...