Returns number as a string formatted with two decimal places, thousands separator, dollar sign. Parentheses are used if number is negative.
See also DecimalFormat and NumberFormat.
Number being formatted.
<!--- This example shows the use of DollarFormat ---> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> DollarFormat Example </TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR=silver> <H3>DollarFormat Example</H3> <CFLOOP from=8 to=50 index=counter> <CFSET full = counter> <CFSET quarter = Evaluate(counter + (1/4))> <CFSET half = Evaluate(counter + (1/2))> <CFSET threefourth = Evaluate(counter + (3/4))> <CFOUTPUT> <PRE> bill #DollarFormat(full)# #DollarFormat(quarter)# #DollarFormat(half)# #DollarFormat(threefourth)# 18% tip #DollarFormat(Evaluate(full * (18/100)))# #DollarFormat(Evaluate(quarter * (18/100)))# #DollarFormat(Evaluate(half * (18/100)))# #DollarFormat(Evaluate(threefourth * (18/100)))# </PRE> </CFOUTPUT> </CFLOOP> </BODY> </HTML>