Returns a comma-delimited list of uppercase ancestor tag names. The first element of the list is the parent tag. If you call this function for a top-level tag, it returns an empty string.
See also GetBaseTagData.
<!--- This example illustrates usage of the GetBaseTagList function. This is typically used in custom tags. ---> ... <CFIF thisTag.executionMode is "start"> <!--- Get the tag context stack The list will look something like "CFIF,MYTAGNAME..." ---> <CFSET ancestorList = GetBaseTagList()> <!--- Output current tag name ---> <CFOUTPUT>This is custom tag #ListGetAt(ancestorList,2)#</CFOUTPUT> <P> <!--- Determine whether this is nested inside a loop ---> <CFSET inLoop = ListFindNoCase(ancestorList, "CFLoop")> <CFIF inLoop neq 0> Running in the context of a CFLoop tag. </CFIF> ...