Returns TRUE if variable is a structure.
See also "Structure Functions".
IsStruct(variable )
Variable name.
<!--- This view-only example illustrates usage of IsStruct. ---> <P>This file is similar to addemployee.cfm, which is called by StructNew, StructClear, and StructDelete. It is an example of a custom tag used to add employees. Employee information is passed through the employee structure (the EMPINFO attribute). In UNIX, you must also add the Emp_ID. <!--- <CFSWITCH EXPRESSION="#ThisTag.ExecutionMode#"> <CFCASE VALUE="start"> <CFIF IsStruct(attributes.EMPINFO)> <CFOUTPUT>Error. Invalid data.</CFOUTPUT> <CFEXIT METHOD="ExitTag"> <CFELSE> <CFQUERY NAME="AddEmployee" DATASOURCE="cfsnippets"> INSERT INTO Employees (FirstName, LastName, Email, Phone, Department) VALUES <CFOUTPUT> ( `#StructFind(attributes.EMPINFO, "firstname")#' , `#StructFind(attributes.EMPINFO, "lastname")#' , `#StructFind(attributes.EMPINFO, "email")#' , `#StructFind(attributes.EMPINFO, "phone")#' , `#StructFind(attributes.EMPINFO, "department")#' ) </CFOUTPUT> </cfquery> </CFIF> <CFOUTPUT><hr>Employee Add Complete</CFOUTPUT> </CFCASE> </CFSWITCH> --->