Returns list with element deleted at the specified position.
See also ListGetAt, ListSetAt, and ListLen.
ListDeleteAt(list, position [, delimiters ])
Any list.
Positive integer indicating the position of the element being deleted. The starting position in a list is denoted by the number 1, not 0.
Set of delimiters used in list.
<!--- This example shows ListDeleteAt ---> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>ListDeleteAt Example</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <H3>ListDeleteAt Example</H3> <!--- First, query to get some values for our list ---> <CFQUERY NAME="GetParkInfo" DATASOURCE="cfsnippets"> SELECT PARKNAME,CITY,STATE FROM PARKS WHERE PARKNAME LIKE `CH%' </CFQUERY> <CFSET temp = ValueList(GetParkInfo.ParkName)> <CFSET deleted_item = ListGetAt(temp, "3", ",")> <CFOUTPUT> <P>The original list: #temp# </CFOUTPUT> <!--- now, delete the third item from the list ---> <CFSET temp2 = ListDeleteAt(Temp, "3", ",")> <CFOUTPUT> <P>The changed list: #temp2# <BR><I>Note that <B>#deleted_item#</B> is not longer present at position three of the list.</I> </CFOUTPUT> </BODY> </HTML>