Converts the specified list into an array.
See also ArrayToList.
ListToArray(list [, delimiter ])
Name of the list variable that contains the elements to be used to build an array. You can define a list variable with a CFSET statement. The items in the list must be separated by commas or otherwise delimited.
Specify the character(s) used to delimit elements in the list. Default is comma ( , ).
<!--- This example shows ListToArray ---> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>ListToArray Example</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <H3>ListToArray Example</H3> <!--- Find a list of users who wrote messages ---> <CFQUERY NAME="GetMessageUser" DATASOURCE="cfsnippets"> SELECT Username, Subject, Posted FROM Messages </CFQUERY> <CFSET myList = ValueList(GetMessageUser.UserName)> <P>My list is a list with <CFOUTPUT>#ListLen(myList)#</CFOUTPUT> elements. <CFSET myArrayList = ListToArray(myList)> <P>My array list is an array with <CFOUTPUT>#ArrayLen(myArrayList)# </CFOUTPUT> elements. </BODY> </HTML>