Like the IsNumeric function, LSIsNumeric returns TRUE if string can be converted to a number in the current locale; otherwise, FALSE.
Any string value.
<!--- This example shows LSIsNumeric ---> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>LSIsNumeric Example</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR=silver> <H3>LSIsNumeric Example</H3> <CFIF IsDefined("FORM.locale")> <!--- if locale is defined, set locale to that entry ---> <CFSET NewLocale = SetLocale(FORM.locale)> <P>Is the value "<CFOUTPUT>#FORM.myValue#</cFOUTPUT>" a proper numeric value for <CFOUTPUT>#GetLocale()#</CFOUTPUT>? <P>Answer: <CFOUTPUT>#LSIsNumeric(FORM.myValue)#</CFOUTPUT> </CFIF> <P> <FORM ACTION="LSIsNumeric.cfm" METHOD="POST"> <P>Select a locale for which you would like to check a numeric value: ...