
Returns True if the specified parameter has been passed to the current template or has already been created during execution of the current template. Otherwise returns NO.

This function is provided for backward compatibility with previous versions of ColdFusion. You should use the function IsDefined instead.

See also GetClientVariablesList and IsDefined.



Any syntactically valid parameter name.


<!--- This example shows ParameterExists --->
ParameterExists Example

<H3>ParameterExists Example</H3>

<CFIF ParameterExists(FORM.myString)>
<P>Using ParameterExists, we have shown that the FORM
field "myString" now exists.  However, this function is
provided for backward compatibility and
the function IsDefined should be used instead, as below.

<CFIF IsDefined("FORM.myString")>
<P>Because the variable FORM.myString has been defined, we
can now show its contents.  This construction allows us
to place a form and its resulting action template in the same
template, while using IsDefined to control the
flow of template execution.
<P>The value of "FORM.myString" is 
<P>During the first time through this template, the variable
"FORM.myString" has not yet been defined, so we 
are not attempting to evaluate it.