Sets the cell in a specified column to a specified value. If no row number is specified, the cell on the last row will be set. Returns TRUE.
See also QueryAddColumn and QueryAddRow.
QuerySetCell(query, column_name, value [, row_number ])
Name of the query already executed.
Name of the column in the query.
Value to set in the specified cell.
Number of the row. Defaults to last row.
<!--- This example shows the use of QueryAddRow and QuerySetCell ---> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> QuerySetCell Example </TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <H3>QuerySetCell Example</H3> <!--- start by making a query ---> <CFQUERY NAME="GetCourses" DATASOURCE="cfsnippets"> SELECT Course_ID, Number, Descript FROM Courses </CFQUERY> <P>The Query "GetCourses" has <CFOUTPUT>#GetCourses.RecordCount# </CFOUTPUT> rows. <CFSET CountVar = 0> <CFLOOP CONDITION="CountVar LT 15"> <CFSET temp = QueryAddRow(GetCourses)> <CFSET CountVar = CountVar + 1> <CFSET Temp = QuerySetCell(GetCourses, "Course_ID", CountVar)> <CFSET CountVar = CountVar + 1> <CFSET Temp = QuerySetCell(GetCourses, "Number", 100*CountVar)> <CFSET CountVar = CountVar + 1> <CFSET Temp = QuerySetCell(GetCourses, "Descript", "Description of variable #Countvar#")> </CFLOOP> <P>After the QueryAddRow action, the query has <CFOUTPUT>#GetCourses.RecordCount#</CFOUTPUT> records. <CFOUTPUT query="GetCourses"> <PRE>#Course_ID# #Number# #Descript#</PRE> </CFOUTPUT> </BODY> </HTML>