Returns a string created from string being repeated a specified number of times.
See also CJustify, LJustify, and RJustify.
RepeatString(string, count)
String being repeated.
Number of repeats.
<!--- This example shows RepeatString ---> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> RepeatString Example </TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR=silver> <H3>RepeatString Example</H3> <P>RepeatString returns a string created from <I>string</I> being repeated a specified number of times. <UL> <LI>RepeatString("-", 10): <CFOUTPUT>#RepeatString("-", 10)# </CFOUTPUT> <LI>RepeatString("<BR>", 3): <CFOUTPUT>#RepeatString("<BR>", 3)#</CFOUTPUT> <LI>RepeatString("", 5): <CFOUTPUT>#RepeatString("", 5)#</CFOUTPUT> <LI>RepeatString("abc", 0): <CFOUTPUT>#RepeatString("abc", 0)# </CFOUTPUT> <LI>RepeatString("Lorem Ipsum", 2): <CFOUTPUT>#RepeatString("Lorem Ipsum", 2)#</CFOUTPUT> </UL> </BODY> </HTML>