Returns string with both leading and trailing spaces removed.
String being trimmed.
<!--- This example shows the use of Trim ---> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> Trim Example </TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR=silver> <H3>Trim Example</H3> <CFIF IsDefined("FORM.myText")> <CFOUTPUT> <PRE> Your string: "#FORM.myText#" Your string: "#trim(FORM.myText)#" (trimmed on both sides) </PRE> </CFOUTPUT> </CFIF> <FORM ACTION="trim.cfm" METHOD="POST"> <P>Type in some text, and it will be modified by trim to remove leading spaces from the left and right <P><INPUT TYPE="Text" NAME="myText" VALUE=" TEST "> <P><INPUT TYPE="Submit" NAME=""> </FORM> </BODY> </HTML>