
Decodes a URL-encoded string.

See also URLEncodedFormat.



A string that has been URL-encoded.


URL encoding refers to a data format where all high ASCII and non-alphanumeric characters are encoded using a percent sign followed by the two character hexadecimal representation of the character code. For example, a character with code 129 will be encoded as %81. In addition, spaces can be encoded using the plus sign (+).

Query strings in HTTP are always URL-encoded.

URL-encoded strings can be created using the URLEncodedFormat function.


Here is an example of the URLDecode and URLEncodedFormat functions. In the example, a string containing all ASCII character codes in the range 1-255 is created. The string is then encoded and decoded. The decoded value is compared with the original string to demonstrate their equality.

    // Build string
    s = "";
    for (c = 1; c lte 256; c = c + 1)
        s = s & chr(c);

    // Encode string and display result
    enc = URLEncodedFormat(s);
    writeOutput("Encoded string is: '#enc#'.<BR>");

    // Decode and compare result with original
    dec = URLDecode(enc);
    if (dec neq s)
        writeOutput("Decoded is not the same as encoded.");
        writeOutput("All's well on the Western front.");