The WddxSerializer object includes functions that serialize any JavaScript data structure.
The only function that developers typically call is serialize.
Creates a WDDX packet for a passed WddxRecordset instance.
object.serialize( rootobj )
Instance name of the WddxSerializer object.
JavaScript data structure to be serialized.
String. Returns the serialized WDDX packet if the function succeeds and a null value if an error occurs.
Call this function to serialize the data in a WddxRecordset instance.
This example illustrates a JavaScript function that you can call to serialize a WddxRecordset instance. The function copies serialized data to a form field for display:
function serializeData(data, formField) { wddxSerializer = new WddxSerializer(); wddxPacket = wddxSerializer.serialize(data); if (wddxPacket != null) { formField.value = wddxPacket; } else { alert("Couldn't serialize data"); } }
Serializes a property of a structure. If an object is not a string, number, array, Boolean, or a date, WddxSerializer treats it as a structure.
object.serializeVariable( name, obj )
Instance name of the WddxSerializer object.
Property to be serialized.
Instance name of the value to be serialized.
Boolean. Returns True if serialization was successful and False if an error occurs.
Internal. You do not typically call this function.
This example is from the WddxSerializer serializeValue function:
... // Some generic object; treat it as a structure this.write("<struct>"); for (prop in obj) { bSuccess = this.serializeVariable(prop, obj[prop]); if (! bSuccess) { break; } } this.write("</struct>"); ...
Recursively serializes all eligible data in a passed instance. Data that can be serialized includes:
This function serialize null values as empty strings.
object.serializeValue( obj )
Instance name of the WddxSerializer object.
Instance name of the WddxRecordset object to be serialized.
Boolean. Returns True if obj was serialized successfully and False if an error occurs.
Internal. You do not typically call this function.
This example is from the WddxSerializer serialize function:
... this.wddxPacket = ""; this.write("<wddxPacket version='1.0'><header/><data>"); bSuccess = this.serializeValue(rootObj); this.write("</data></wddxPacket>"); if (bSuccess) { return this.wddxPacket; } else { return null; } ...
Appends data to the serialized data stream.
object.write( str )
Instance name of the WddxSerializer object.
String to be copied to the serialized data stream.
String. Returns the updated serialized data stream.
Internal. You do not typically call this function.
This example is from the WddxSerializer serializeValue function:
... else if (typeof(obj) == "number") { // Number value this.write("<number>" + obj + "</number>"); } else if (typeof(obj) == "boolean") { // Boolean value this.write("<boolean value='" + obj + "'/>"); } ...