Are we There Yet?
Years go by, People lost
Hours passed....
Some Dreams dreamed, others shattered
One by one they come and go
Illusions as a child
Realities of an Adult
fears intertwined with strength
Cowardliness collide with Valor
Caring overshadowed with indifference
Coherent thoughts rambled with madness
Must only one prevail?
Why not live in one at a time?
The one that guides through the moment
Bliss Chaos Fear Despair Elation
Does it matter as long as it gets you there?
Where is the beginning or the End?
So busy analyzing chasing.....
That once wee get where we need to go
We see we wasted allot of time
Should have said we care when we were there
The ones we loved did they even know?
Or were we to busy looking?
Racing chasing to where ever the
Fuck we thought we needed to go........?