Download Problematic
This software was available as freeware for quite a few years, but it is now out of date. It was written in a land before time. Well, in a time before Windows anyway. At the time it was written, software had to be able to fit on a 320 x 240 pixel screen, which this did. Truth is, it looks pretty sad by today's standards and people now want and expect state of the art. But more to the point, there is better stuff out there now and you should really go looking for it rather than wasting your time downloading this. The manual for the software is still available on this site and, because it has a useful glossary, you might still find it of value.
Soon I will provide a list of better alternatives to Problematic. But you can probably do it as easily as I can. Just go to some of the sites I list on the home page and look around.
And now it is time for Problematic to gracefully exit stage left, cane in hand, off to a peaceful retirement in the old-hacks home. Farewell, fond problemists. May your mates all be pure.
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