No. of Entries: 28 
pegasus - 01/29/98 18:53:54 
My URL: 
Age/Sex: less than 1/male 
               (that sounds like my lovelife!) 
IQ/EQ/no. of mangoes you eat a day: same as a bird's/wots EQ ? (Emotional Quotient, i.e. niceness..)/I dun eat mangos (um. okay.) 
Where you from: Me from hazyland (still?) 
Fav.pratchett/disworld character: Disworld Char : Myself 
Don't you think BECK rULeS?(rhetorical qn.): Who is Beck ?? (there *is* a Beck page on MangoCentral you know..for *your* benefit.) 
Things you think i shld put in this hmpage: Your Pic !!! (not without severe reconstructive surgery. or a good image editing program.)
RAM is : Random Access Memory, NOT Remote Access Memory 
(I Was wondering about that...)
Mellon - 01/29/98 18:06:33 
My URL:http://Whoever_Gave_You_The_Idea_I_Had_One? 
Age/Sex: 18/M 
IQ/EQ/no. of mangoes you eat a day: 0/zilch/would you believe me if I said 10000?(would you show me?) 
Where you from: Planet Earth (Singapore actually) 
Fav.pratchett/disworld character: Gimme a break. No favs, but Granny Weatherwax is ok (Yeah, right) (someone-scroll down- said that Gran Weatherwax reminded him of me! hah! as such, she must be more than okay...HAHAHAH..yes this is an ego trip but its MY guestbook so there!) 
Don't you think BECK rULeS?(rhetorical qn.): I think I rule, but that would be beside the point (not to mention outside the boundaries of reality..even in a perpendicular parallel universe) 
Things you think i shld put in this hmpage: Mangoes obviously.(the hamster in my Aboutme page eats all the mango pics. sorry) Your face (see the Aboutme page. Meet the hamster.) Oreo cookies. Something.
Firstly, who's beck.(Go Look at the Beck Page for sheesh!) Secondly, why mangoes.(go to the aboutme link) Thirdly, great homepage.(thank you!) Lastly, why does the hyperlink "MangoJam" go nowhere. (terribly sorry about that.. fixed now..:])
Ping - 01/29/98 18:02:27 
Age/Sex: cannot disclosed lah!/female 
IQ/EQ/no. of mangoes you eat a day: Nil, sorry 
Where you from: Singapore 
Fav.pratchett/disworld character: snoopy (heh) 
Don't you think BECK rULeS?(rhetorical qn.): in theory 
Things you think i shld put in this hmpage: your pic (nooooo..... howmanytimes doo i haf to say this.....stop suggesting that...i hate all my photos)
Nice, nice, nice. very original too!!! I think it's the best geocities hp i've visited! 
Simeon - 01/29/98 16:45:20 
Age/Sex: 18++ no GST / fully operational NSman/male (haha..careful where you shoot your fully-operational artillery.) 
IQ/EQ/no. of mangoes you eat a day: 100 for all, although i'd wish it were true for the mangoes....(oh please.. your gastrointestinal tract wld go manic,. you'd diarrhoea like nobody's business. which Is nobody's business but..) 
Where you from: from too much wine after dinner. 
Fav.pratchett/disworld character: Esmerelda Weatherwax. Reminds me of you. (I declare that a compliment. Thank you) 
Don't you think BECK rULeS?(rhetorical qn.): well, at least i know what to get you for your coming birthday. (i want his Stereopathic Soulmanure album, Thank you.) 
Things you think i shld put in this hmpage: More mangoes, my sexy crewcut photo which makes me look like a toilet brush (am i supposed to be feeling flush?), a photo of you eating a mango and a virtual tamahamster (tamagotmeh?).
Why is it i get the feeling that you are still going to pass your exams with flying colours? (your feelings are far too clouded and intense for your own good. :])
TL - 01/29/98 16:36:50 
My URL: 
Age/Sex: 17/M 
IQ/EQ/no. of mangoes you eat a day: IQ? probably below 100 , EQ? probably doesn't exist in me . Mangoes? ... can't afford them (dats coz u spend far too much on cheng tng) 
Where you from: dunno? 
Fav.pratchett/disworld character: what? 
Don't you think BECK rULeS?(rhetorical qn.): No. 
Things you think i shld put in this hmpage: Link to the Pentagon (why bother? just read the tabloids..)
It's midnight now and i'm not thinking straight. (join the club!)
faith - 01/29/98 16:34:07 
Age/Sex: 19/f 
IQ/EQ/no. of mangoes you eat a day: 12/45/278 
Where you from: singapore 
Fav.pratchett/disworld character: granny weatherwax (she seems to be quite popular.. what about DEATH? my personal favourite...) 
Don't you think BECK rULeS?(rhetorical qn.): um.. yar (*grin happily*)
dear suyin.. you have a lot of time in sydney har? (just about the same amount of time you have there in s'pore.. just 3hrs ahead and i have more say in how i want to use it..:])
Nilpez - 01/29/98 07:59:13 
My URL: Beck ICQ List 
Age/Sex: 17 / Female 
IQ/EQ/no. of mangoes you eat a day: erm... 
Where you from: ooohhh a voidish tangentish plece somewhere in sydney (a parallel university?) 
Fav.pratchett/disworld character: *screams* NO THERES MORE OF YOU !!!!!!!! *pouts* cuz i don't read Pratchett, have tried but got bored and fell asleep and lost the book and returned it to it's owner months later unread...(Try again. Keep understand this is for your own good..) 
Don't you think BECK rULeS?(rhetorical qn.): hmmm... this is a very very very hard question to answer !! Can I guess ? 
Things you think i shld put in this hmpage: MORE BECK MORE BECK MORE BECK 
happy lil' beckish stuf happy lil' glittery bits happy lil' mango :) 
(feeling peckish? feeling bold? Go eat mango 
Buy Mellow Gold!)
louse-the-great (again!) (Oh THERE u are!-su) - 01/27/98 16:07:47 
My URL:yeah-i-noe-forgot-to-type-in-comment-but-in-the-space-of -ten-minutes-there's-no-way-for-me-to-get-a-homepage-done-up-yet. But just you wait *glare*(yes dear.) 
My geddit (Yes BC Wong junior...or shld i say AD Wong?) 
Age/Sex: 18...yerss please! (Not YEt babe!!! hahaha) 
IQ/EQ/no. of mangoes you eat a day: what can i say...i'm a woman! that makes me above reproach..(Oh Yes)...blissfully, i dont eat mangoes (Yeah RIght you little Miss eat-all-the-mangos-while-your-family-starves..i still remember..) 
Where you from: AS long as it's not Sydney I'm considered lucky (Hahah!...someone's Jealous! Nyeah nyeah..) 
Fav.pratchett/disworld character: erm...Agnes of the powerful voice....hey syn: did i ever tell you some idiot is doing Hogfather for his Lit 'S' text? (WHAT?? how the Heck did the bugger do that!? Durh! why dont u go do Nostradamus Ate My Hamster...its by robert rankins..or read it anyway..and this goes out to all u pple reading this too :]) 
Don't you think BECK rULeS?(rhetorical qn.): who the hell is he?(im going to educate all of you.) 
Things you think i shld put in this hmpage: hmmm....a pix of yourself and a handy mutilating device(im afraid the canvas that is my face can bear no more mutliation than nature hath already meted. why not just a link to the Slap the SpiceGirls online game? if u want it, msg me :])
fwah lau, you damn ego man! (WOman dearie.. so its not ego.. justly deserved self-pride.) sheesh..never knew you were technologically-inclined.....forget the 'puter, go out and get a boyfriend!(Beck's taken..and she's pretty) or better yet come back to s'pore! (No Way woman! i live The Life here...dun noe wht kind of life but its A life..which is a definite improvement on No-Life in s'pore..except maybe for the chilli crab..mmmm..) 
Louse the great - 01/27/98 15:51:51 
My URL:yeah the one who cant connect a modem? 
(Louse? LOUSE!!! where'd you go!!! *look behind grass stalk*..hey..dont scare me leh..)
Rence - 01/27/98 15:32:32 
My URL: 
Age/Sex: old enuff...M 
IQ/EQ/no. of mangoes you eat a day: depends...when constipation calls, the number rises rapidly.(you have Constipation's phone number in your Diaryhhoea? wah. but then again..knowing the flirt you are..) 
Where you from: The world, most probably. But then again, the truth is out there.(uhuh) 
Fav.pratchett/disworld character: the toilet attendant...they're the people who clean up! We gotta be grateful. (I presume that they should be grateful to you for keeping their jobs secure...) 
Don't you think BECK rULeS?(rhetorical qn.): Beck? Any relation to that sound which birds make when drumming on tree trunks?(um..they rhyme?..but Beck doesnt usually rhyme and so, yes and no.) 
Things you think i shld put in this hmpage: A picture of a mango? (said already. no nice pics yet..will keep looking.)
Hmmm...second time round...more sarcasm. heh heh. I'll try my best not to mention anything scandalous about your life here syn...dun wanna defame you across the entire internet. But just one statement - there's only one way to keep cool during summer...*grin* (you may have prefeRENCE for the lewd and debauched but please dont implicate me in your weird sex games. Thanks for asking anyway. :] ) 
I strikes again - 01/27/98 15:25:53 
My URL: (now where have i seen this before) 
My Email:Link the entries and find out 
Age/Sex: Old enough/I abstain (Any older and you'll *have* to abstain..) 
IQ/EQ/no. of mangoes you eat a day: More than you/More than you/More than you (Shit you/Shit you/Shit alot do you?) 
Where you from: Mum's tummy, weren't you? (do you mean stomach coz the only thing i know that comes out of there relatively whole is shit...ah SO!) 
Fav.pratchett/disworld character: the starfish in chapter 4, if he exists (you never quite know with pratchett. safer not to assume anything..) 
Don't you think BECK rULeS?(rhetorical qn.): well if he does then his empire must be pretty small (better than the brits, they're such a farce, then the Imperial empire had the Force and they're both obsolete while BECK's just Beginning...) 
Things you think i shld put in this hmpage: Lots and lots of cash would be appreciated (that is a mutual sentiment)
Look! New questions! Nyeh heh heh heh heh. (Look! New heights of spasticity(and the most no. of times shit is mentioned)! Nyah hah hah hah hah. And you think i dont know who you are...but i Do.. Yes.) 
Justin - 01/27/98 12:12:17 
Age/Sex: 17+/ should know..(You can never be too sure...-su) 
IQ/EQ/no. of mangoes you eat a day: 159999999999...blahblahblah...8þ 
Where you from: Sing...( remember??...that's where yer from too...)(wha..? me? i cant sing for nuts.) 
Fav.pratchett/disworld character: The Librarian...( Orang Utan...or was that another series...hmm...8( )(Right one there! and yes the librarian's one cool anthropod..) 
Don't you think BECK rULeS?(rhetorical qn.): well...if ya say so... 
Things you think i shld put in this hmpage: Your photo??...( kidding... )(no photo..nope..dont keep ur fingers crossed..) 
Looks quite cool so far... tell me when you've finished yer exams... sos I can come back ta visit...okay?? Happy New Year...C'Ya! (I finish after next week! in the meantime..ARGH!) 
kengbeng - 01/27/98 08:20:28 
My URL:Kengbeng's Homepage 
Age/Sex: 17/M 
IQ/EQ/no. of mangoes you eat a day: hmm...not sure 
Where you from: scone world (oh that like Spice World..ugh) 
Fav.pratchett/disworld character: duh? 
Don't you think BECK rULeS?(rhetorical qn.): Yeah. David Beckham rules! (Not beckham! BECK!! beck's no ham..) 
Things you think i shld put in this hmpage: anti-raffles slogans...(nah, just joking!)
Hi, just dropping by... Not bad...better than when i first started out.(Thank You. that is a serious compliment man..coming from u..heh) 
JOYCE - 01/27/98 02:31:34 
Age/Sex: 17/F 
IQ/EQ/no. of mangoes you eat a day: one, plus a mango ice-cream!!!! YUM !(THaT is THE way to GO) 
Where you from: Macau/Sydney (not to mention UNSW, UFS, CL1..) 
Don't you think BECK rULeS?(rhetorical qn.): NO WHO ARE YOU ?????? (i am genius incarnate.-su on behalf of BECK) 
Things you think i shld put in this hmpage: MY Lovely Face! (yeah right woman..i dared u and u chickened out!)
You should put my pretty, lovely face in your homepage. And you should tell people that you got a pet cow called " ISWAR "!! (Sshh! they'll all want one too....) 
DeL - 01/27/98 01:09:50 
My Email:u know 
Age/Sex: 20/M 
IQ/EQ/no. of mangoes you eat a day: 300 
Where you from: Singapore 
Don't you think BECK rULeS?(rhetorical qn.): hmm.. (ponder) 
Things you think i shld put in this hmpage: hmm how about adding some sounds? (okie...i'll go figure out How..and find some muzik dat doesnt irritate the hell out of most pple..wait..there's BECK!! oh yes..i wunder if he does midi..)
A very nice page you have. When are u going to impart your skills to me huh?! heh(grin) anyway, keep up the good work.(Farny har.. who's the com science student!!) 
Jarrod Yeo - 01/26/98 16:38:31 
My URL: 
Age/Sex: 18 (at last) / Male...(Happy Belated B'Day! *schmuak*) 
IQ/EQ/no. of mangoes you eat a day: none... i dun like em... gimme meat!!(Mangos have meat wht...juicy salacious flesh..yum..) 
Where you from: The s'pore (The Spore) 
Fav.pratchett/disworld character: huh? 
Don't you think BECK rULeS?(rhetorical qn.): dun think so... heehee (you No Taste Infernal Lowlife) 
Things you think i shld put in this hmpage: links, grafix, music? (yes..we are wrking on that later..maybees i shalt swipe stuff frm yours say yes?)
eh suyin long time no see... howz life? gotta be better than over here... stress is all i can say about jc2 life... anyway, glad to see you've finally got a webpage going... pretty cool actually... and wat's with all the MANGO?! oh well, tata for now an take care... happy birthday (in advance) (Thank You.. and YES! i turn Eighteen on Fridayyy....WHOO HOO! i can Vice now..Legally...) 
joey - 01/26/98 16:29:31 
Age/Sex: underaged/mmmm (Are u sure? i thot the age of consent was 16..its only 18 for gay anyway..) 
IQ/EQ/no. of mangoes you eat a day: infiniteeeee! (Which translates into a/1-r..) 
Where you from: mars 
Fav.pratchett/disworld character: whoharwhat? 
Don't you think BECK rULeS?(rhetorical qn.): he looks sick (are we talking about the same guy here.. Beck does Not look sick. wait till i get the rest of my pix of him on the page..) 
Things you think i shld put in this hmpage: your lurvely face =)..pic of henry/henrietta...a whole tribute to your lovely fren here =0)(Yes! marvellous idea! send me ur pics babe! i'll put up a joey shrine page! u cld attain cult status..wooo) 
nicenicenice!!!mmmmmyummmmmoremore manggoeess!! yurmaarmmmarmarrmmmslurpumm *burp* you're such a mango syn! =) i'll be back for more....(I'll be waiting! heheh) 
tigger - 01/26/98 15:43:13 
My URL:Tigger's Treehouse
Age/Sex: seventeen 
Where you from: Pooh Land 
Things you think i shld put in this hmpage: pics of mangoes (i noe..but not so easy to find..mangos aren all that photogenic i guess..:])
hi syn!! it's me, cin..heh heh..nice concept here, the mangoes stuff..happy lunar new year's eve eve! luff tig (Same to you Babe! Happy MoonYear to u too! heheh. year of the Tigger!) 
Terence - 01/24/98 16:16:24 
Age/Sex: 18/M 
IQ/EQ/no. of mangoes you eat a day: 5 million (that's how the Sewage Dept survives)(that wasnt me btw.. my remarks are in italics. -su) 
Where you from: Singapore, ACJC, SCONE! 
Fav.pratchett/disworld character: All lies lead to the truth (Harh? which reminds me..The Truth is not out there,it Lies in your head!) 
Don't you think BECK rULeS?(rhetorical qn.): Puh-leeze. (HOi!
Things you think i shld put in this hmpage: Your opinion on hairy legs (lush foliage is *always* sexy :])
Hey syn! Nice page...pretty cool...reflects your character. These 24hr drooling sessions over cute guys...heh heh. Whoops. I better not announce to everyone abt your au naturel state and drool. =) Rence. (SLANDER!! stop talking rubbish!) 

Toh Kit Mien - 01/23/98 12:44:35
Fav way to eat mangos: Cut it into three portions parallel to the length of the mango and then draw cubes on the seedless portions which are then eate . Yum!
Age/Sex: you know purrfectly well
IQ/EQ/no. of mangos u can eat in 30mins: 135 only
Do you like BECK?: who the world is he? (He's seriously the most talented rock/alternative artiste i've ever come across..and he's adorable to boot! you can check out my Beck page when im done doing it :]..)
Do you read Pratchett?: what on earth is it? (he's the guy who wrote the discworld series..he's really witty. Brilliant. you shld go read his stuff. Sunny at far east sells new ones cheap.
Did you have to pee during Titanic?: i ate my dinner while watching titanic and i think it's soooooooooo boring and a waste of 3hrs 15mins (NOooo!!! It was MARVELLOUS!! you obviously werent conscious.)

You should be hinoured. yours is the first website i've been to since i got my new personal line (3525958) and the first personal webpage i actually read. Ain't i nice to give you the honour? (Ohyes kitmien, im truly heartily grateful:)here. have some Mangocreampie....*snigger*..)

Huang Guoqiang - 01/23/98 04:39:07
Fav way to eat mangos: nope
Age/Sex: 19/m
IQ/EQ/no. of mangos u can eat in 30mins: one.....
Do you like BECK?: N/A
Do you read Pratchett?: N/A
Do you think these Qns are very inane?: a little

yr homepage is cute......heehee (so are you..heehee..-su)

Gracie - 01/23/98 04:03:26
My Email:you know my email
Fav way to eat mangos: smashing it in my face (is this like a moisturiser thing? i heard avocado's good too..)
Age/Sex: 19/as often as I can
IQ/EQ/no. of mangos u can eat in 30mins: like I'd tell you
Do you like BECK?: well......
Do you read Pratchett?: at times.
Do you think these Qns are very inane?: very

Yo su! Your page is so you. I miss you. I miss being inane. I think I should do a page too. (Good on ya mate! i'll go sign your guestbook when its done!)

PeTe PeLi - 01/23/98 03:47:42
Fav way to eat mangos: With my enormus beak
Age/Sex: 3/male
IQ/EQ/no. of mangos u can eat in 30mins: Large Large Amount
Do you like BECK?: NO, who that ? (see above)
Do you read Pratchett?: No, who that ? (ditto)
Do you think these Qns are very inane?: Not as inane as my answers !

Fab Page, pity no pic of author tho ! (pity no fab pic of author dah..)

Ben Lee - 01/22/98 13:50:40
My URL:Cactus Land
Fav way to eat mangos: raw
Age/Sex: Same/Different
IQ/EQ/no. of mangos u can eat in 30mins: 140+/-140/not 140
Do you like BECK?: Who?
Do you read Pratchett?: Yup
Do you think these Qns are very inane?: They help pass the time

Go to my homepage. Now. Please. And sign my guestbook too. (hokay..)

Me - 01/21/98 14:55:15
My Email:If you don't know this, I'm not telling...
Fav way to eat mangos: Alive! AHAHAHAHAHA!
Age/Sex: Very/Yes
IQ/EQ/no. of mangos u can eat in 30mins: One question at a time, please.
Do you like BECK?: No thanks, I think I'll have the foie gras. (im sure plain ole grass is more suitable for ur dental URL..)
Do you read Pratchett?: There's words on him?
Do you think these Qns are very inane?: What questions?

Welcome to the most senseless entry yet. So sue me. Trace me down, why don't you. AHAHAHAHAHA! (i know who you are..i know where you live..Watch out shang my man..)

jackdawson - 01/21/98 14:15:18
My URL:http://dun-bloody-have-one
Fav way to eat mangos: only eat ripe, sweet and cut-up ones
Age/Sex: 17m
IQ/EQ/no. of mangos u can eat in 30mins: how the heck shld i noe?
Do you like BECK?: got a devil's haircut..... but RADIOHEAD rules
Do you read Pratchett?: uh uh. never b4
Do you think these Qns are very inane?: they're fine, really.

hi babe, Wow! wat a page!! haha... Dun eat too many mangoes, not gd for u. (Yeah RIght!what crap )

yen - 01/21/98 13:39:01
Fav way to eat mangos: raw
Age/Sex: present
IQ/EQ/no. of mangos u can eat in 30mins: lots
Do you like BECK?: yep!
Do you read Pratchett?: yep!!
Do you think these Qns are very inane?: yep!!! (look, numerical progression...)

luverly dahling... "Man being reasonable must get drunk; The best of life is but intoxication." -- "Don Juan" Lord Byron (Oh yes! someone send me a bottle of mango vodka!)

iewiq - 01/21/98 10:10:06
My URL:http://dunhave leh
Fav way to eat mangos: fresh. n peeled.
Age/Sex: 19++++++++/m
IQ/EQ/no. of mangos u can eat in 30mins: 0.5 if mangoes... bout 20
Do you like BECK?: no. sorry.(im sorry too)
Do you read Pratchett?: not really. sorry too.(what a sorry existence man..)
Do you think these Qns are very inane?: do u think i'm inane? (umm...)

hmmm the guestbook very brite leh....(like author, like page!...yesyes ego..fine.)

syn - 01/20/98 12:13:12
My Email:truth@out.there
Fav way to eat mangos: RAW
Age/Sex: 18/f
IQ/EQ/no. of mangos u can eat in 30mins: huh/whtsUrProb/huh
Do you like BECK?: YES!
Do you read Pratchett?: YES!
Do you think these Qns are very inane?: YES.

trying this out..

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