I want is a room somewhere, far away from the cold night air, with one
enormous chair, Oh Wouldn't it be LuVerLy…"
that a nice introduction? yeah, okay..corny. Just popped into my head.
In any case, it’s a common enough sentiment. I need a nice gif of an enormous
chair..and a box of divine chocklates(godiva? divine? geddit? nono…don’t
go away...)
Good! you stayed…heheh..Anyway, this is my own room in(on?) the web. Its not a flashy page with interesting buttons to click on, nor does it have sexy links that link(Pun!) seductively and cause epileptic fits. No showy morphing pictures, or innovative fonts (actually, i tried making that grin above blink..but it didnt work.heh). I'm doing this on Word8.O/Composer and so you can imagine the lack of choices I have. And im not going to do anything about that. so Hah. :)
Wht a load of negative crap huh. Not this, not that, yada yada… You think you'll go watch some TV right? no point sticking around here..might as well read a book..at least a book gets published on merit..of sorts.. Well, maybe… But. if u're actually here, you might just be bored badly enough to stick around and see what I've actually put up. Anyway, there's usually nothing good on TV..and the latest Pratchett release isn't out in paperback yet…:) So. Okaaay. lets hope by the time u read this I'll have put something up…Meanwhile, all those red and green msword squiggly lines are getting on my nerves…grrr…
OKie ! for now, i have nothing actually substantial here...except some nifty colours against a very blank background... still, the geocities pple sent me a mail saying i havent moved in yet. If you dont find this address here a few days later you know who to accuse. (chuckle).. in the meantime i *have* to learn how to put links and stuff...oh for a cute com science guy now....*glare at mirror image of myself*....you have to try you know...you dont just sit in ur nice cozy room day after day staring at the ceiling and expect some sweet floppy-haired guy to fall into ur lap. heheh. break my femurs he wld. (wait..femurs are thigh bones and not some furry animal right? RIght?)..
(now we all know why i dont tell anyone about this. haha)..anyway im just kidding dah....sortof...