


I've had a pretty neat week.
Has it been a week? Well maybe 6 days. [inner pedant surfacing]

You see what happened the last week was that i totally lost track of time. Most of it was spent in front of this screen. Staring. Quite blankly.

In the end though, i figured out how to do Half of the computing assignment, and then i spent the next 48 hours hacking away at it until i finally uploaded it 30 Seconds before the deadline.

fun or what?

By the way, the program i wrote doesn't work (hah). I mean, if you wanted to play a really strange game of Connect-4/Go-pente and made up some really strange rules, then maybe you could. Or then again maybe not.

Strange thing was that this part of the assignment was supposed to be the Easiest. HAh. so bull. everyone i asked didn't know how to do it. We have to present it next week too, after doing the cgi stuff and other-things-i-don't-know, and i don't know how that's going to happen. My program just returns a html document that apologises about the missing Board, and then asks you to make a move. So like if u wanted a real challenge, to play a game without actually seeing the pieces Or a board, i'll give u the url. heheheheh.

Sure fail one.

I should probably stop talking about that now.

But i spent so much time on that it totally messed up my entire week. You know the schedule... sleep at 6am, wake up at 9am..go to school.. come home...monitor the monitor somemore...then sleep at 6am and wake up at 9am...

yadah yadah... okay. i stop now. for real.

After that was all over, i had such a lovely week. On thursday night, i went for a high-tea buffet thing at Starcity (the casino), and it was so empty (of people) and the food was reeeallly good. I went with two good friends and just sat there relaxing for 3-4hours, with the papers and the crossword and platefuls of prawns/mussels/papadums. :) I love papadums. Im rambling. bleeeuurrgh.

hee hee

On friday night, i went for a dear friends' birthday dinner party. Hallo Iswar (wave). Yep. I actually forgot about his birthday since my brain was so messed up i got the dates wrong for about 2 days before someone corrected me. Anyway, after trying to be extra-nice to make up for being such a poop-brain, we decided on dinner. It was at this place called Govinda's, and for $14, you get a vegetarian indian food buffet, AND, a movie! And, the brilliant thing about the movie is the theatre - the seats were like...just rows and rows of long cushions, like inclined beds. Brilliant idea i tell u. it was sooooooooo comfortable, and the movie was good too. We watched Head On, which is like this recent aussie movie, something in the vein of 'a day in the life of a young greek gay australian male'.  It was a little extreme, not in the visual effects maybe, but conceptually. One of our friends said he couldn't watch a single minute of it, and declared it completely absurd. Me, i wouldn't know. The lead actor (Alex Dimitriades) looks Really good in tight white briefs though.  [smirk]
I think im rambling again...


I tell you what. I'll let my big stuffed mouse type this update for me. He gets so little excitement after all, what with my dad in perth and therefore no one else to talk to.

> Here you go.

Okay. Thanks.  HALLO. This is the big stuffed mouse.

> you Have a name you know.

I Don't like it. Its silly.

> oh come on. it suits you so nicely.

Its SILLY. What self-respecting mouse goes around calling himself Mausey?
Would You go around calling yourself Humaney?

> I suppose not.

Well then.

> But i don't go around calling myself Big Stuffed Human either.

well,... You don't.
> Impertinent mouse.

Incontinent human.

> Fluffbrain with whiskers.


> Stop this or i'll take the mickey out of you!

You're just saying that because of the mickey-mouse pun aren't you? I bet you don't even know what 'taking the mickey' out of someone means.

> Well no, not really. do you?


> Okay. what now.

I suppose you could tell them about the party you just came home from.

> Well, i met a bunch of pretty interesting people there.

Yes, go on... Someone in particular? Some... reeeasonably famous person maybe?

> Yes, and he was such a lovely person. We talked about boogers.

Boogers. They don't taste good.

> You get boogers?

That's irrelevant. Now the people reading this just want to know who u talked boogers with.

> You don't even have nostrils.

You're not going to tell them, are you.

> No, it doesn't seem right. Somehow.


> He's not one of those posh prissy big shot stars though. Definitely one of the veeerrryy few singaporean entertainers i actually respect.

As opposed to say... James Lye?

> and every new TCS-8 starlet after chen liping.

Tell them your James Lye joke.

> Okay. If u've already heard me tell it just read on anyway. it ends in three sentences:

> You remember James Lye in the tv serial Triple 9? He played inspector Mike Chin.
> Thing is, if he put on alot of weight for some reason or another, they'd have to call him
> Inspector Mike Chins.


It doesn't get any weaker than that.

> Some people find weak chins attractive.

I didn't mean that.  Why do u do this?

> Im not going to apologise.


> Fine.


> Stop that.

You're running out of ideas now aren't you.

> Kind of.


> Yes.

Its raining, did u know?

> Drown the moths, good for them.

I hate those things. One flew in the other day and sat on my head for 3 hours before it died and fell off.

> Haha.


> They are pretty stupid though. Like how they come around at 4am in the morning and gather around the window floating menacingly like some tiny vampire movie. Its also stupid to wake up to the sound of moths trying to knock holes through the window. 'thud. flitter flitter. thud. thud. flitter. thud. thud.' *float* 'thud.'
I'm booorrrred.

> Shall i tell another joke?

If you must.

> When does 'q' come before 'p' ?

I don't know. Oh dear. Hrm. I can't think. Gee. u'll have to tell me, I give up.

> Stop making faces.

Hah. Okay, lemme give the answer then: In a crowded toilet ! geddit? geddit? It STinks? I think so too. hahahahaha.

> Harhar.

You're not the only one who can make lousy puns.

> I'm so glad.

We should probably end this now. Its regressing into inanity.

> You Think?

Therefore I Am.

Someone else's hamster. Such a darling isn't he.
I want to get one too.

({ After this }|{ Blinking Eye }|{ MangoCentral }|{ Before this})
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