“Menage a Trois”

Menage a Trois is a French phrase that’s defined with variance. The spirit of this phrase resides in all of us, but most people are unable to validate its residence because it sleeps under a sheet of intimidation in their lives. Intimidation and insecurity keep our true characteristics at bay, like a teenager longing for her first kiss. It is important to understand this French phrase because it will help us discover and bring into the light our hidden characteristics. If we dissect the phrase, Menage a Trois, we find the English translation for Menage to be “household,” and Trois translates to “three”--respectively; therefore, the translated French phrase reads “Household of Three.” As you read about my Menage a Trois, you will discover its members and the rolls they play in my life. I will guide you through my “Household,” and allow you to witness and touch with your imagination the stirring truths that hide behind its doors, in dimly lit rooms. We will peek into the Bedroom, the Living Room, and the Study, to gaze upon three of my characteristics--whom I’ll refer to as my lovers: Companion, Faithful, and Instrumentalist. Come, if curiosity leads you, and discover the truth of my “Household” and the three lovers that make up my Menage a Trois.

Without hesitation, the first room we will visit on this intimate tour will be the “Bedroom.” I encountered the first lover for my Menage a Trois within this room. Her name is “Companion.” Something intensely magical began to transpire, as I courted her with my humorous personality and witty charm. I was exhibiting myself, as a peacock flaunting its iridescent back feathers, when intimacy in its smallest stage began to form. Though intimacy was only a child, it was highly concentrated with an aroma of love. This aroma lured “Companion” and me together and kept us devoted; hence, companionship was born. I discovered “Companion" within this cocktail of intimacy and love.

Let’s slowly progress from the “Bedroom” and take a stroll down the picture-filled hallway, past the bathroom, and into my “Living Room.” As you can see, soft flames coming from the fireplace warm this room, and pictures of my dearest guests have been proudly placed on the oak mantel. This “Living Room” reflects my heart. I found my second lover in this room, while entertaining various guests. My lover’s name is “Faithful.” “Faithful” was drawn to me very quickly; unlike “Companion,” I did not have to woo “Faithful” at all. When my guests enter this “Living Room,” and relax on my oversized couches, they quickly feel at home and openly share their deep and intimate thoughts with me. It was during these special visits when “Faithful” revealed herself to me, and my guests became life long friends.

Can you hear that soft and soothing sound? It’s the music of my third lover, “Instrumentalist.” We find her in the concluding room of my “Household”; this room is the “Study”. “Instrumentalist” is timid and she hides humbly behind her door; yet if you listen carefully, you can hear soft resounding tones melodically escaping from within her chamber. She soothes my heart with calming words and strokes my brow with her gentle fingers. To watch her dance is as fulfilling as seeing the sun sparkle over the ocean’s brilliantly colored horizon. Her mouth, hands, and legs all seem to perform in unison; yet the intrinsic beauty of her heart controls her entire body. “Instrumentalist,” her name rolls passionately over my tongue.

As I bring this intimate tour to an end, I only hope that your understanding of my Menage a Trois is clear. My “Household” has many more rooms of different sizes; these rooms hold my most intimate dreams and personal characteristics. Yet, for now, the bedroom doors will close slightly. You will still see the light of “Companion,” “Faithful,” and “Instrumentalist” though, as it shines through the softly-paned windows within my “Household of Three.”

© 1999 james olmos

© 1997 o_jimmy@yahoo.com

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