"Massive, Pendulous, Satisfying Udder-Bosom" Our faithful home of marital bliss lovingly consists of my erect, thrusting tower buried deep between her thirty warm, undulating gallons of massive, pendulous, satisfying udder-bosom, her deep, thirsty, orgasmic breast-cleavage passionately drinking every last drop of my thick, creamy love-seed all day long, every day of the week. My beloved wife never lets me leave home, and I am joyfully trapped between her gigantic, overpowering, possessive udders, massaging their undulating oceans of ecstasy as my rivers of warm virility repeatedly burst forth within her deep, devouring breast-valley. And she moans with amorous bliss every time my thick cream moistens her faithful udder-cleavage. She will always be her thirty loving gallons of massive, pendulous, satisfying udder-bosom, and she will always be my home. Copyright (c) 2004, Kenneth Scott, All Rights Reserved