"Mrs. Semen-Stains" Big, sweet mamma, you are my most-beloved freak, burying my tower every hour of the week between your udder-breasts, your bosom as big as your torso, undulating with orgasmic power as my semen rivers flow deep within your warm, thirsty, satisfying breast-valley, causing you to moan with delicious ecstasy, savoring the wet spots on your huge shelf-brassiere as my creamy puddles of bliss repeatedly appear. --- When your custom-made brassieres are stained with my virility, you wear them even more joyfully, celebrating the mutual pleasures your udder-bosom brings as your breast-embrace surpasses all sexual things. And I marvel at the ecstasy your mountain-breasts bring to you as my increasing semen-stains begin to seep through, my pillar buried deep between your two gigantic breasts, repeatedly fulfilling your most-passionate quests. --- I could kiss your luscious lips throughout the day as we constantly engage in freaky udder-play, and you orgasm when your lingerie and negligees get their share of semen-stains while your cleavage is wet. And like a passionately sweet and playful woman-child, whose innocent desire and wet blossom are completely wild, your deep breast-valley always yearns to feed upon my pumping tower and abundantly-flowing seed. --- You love to buy new custom-made brassieres and shirts, enjoying the thrills when my semen repeatedly squirts deep between your undulating udders all day and night, creating more semen-stains of sweet delight. And I thoroughly love you, my most-faithful wife, who has joyfully dedicated her entire erotic life to burying my erect penis, throughout sunshine and rains, between her massive breasts, creating more massive semen-stains. Copyright (c) 2004, Kenneth Scott, All Rights Reserved